Not only is my library gone but I can't get votes on my book. Idk what's going on. A friend of mine was voting on my book and it wouldn't take his Firestone. What's going on?

- Jul 6, 2020
- Joined Sep 3, 2018
ReachZhaiTW yeah works for me now
Lord_of_sleep sure, :-)
Lord_of_sleep wha- me hahhahaha maybe, lol I wrote it on her first chapter though that's the only difference, if we both saw that it means its not just 1 reader but a glaring problem
ReachZhaiTW of course I'm in the 50% that it doesn't work for ooof
Lord_of_sleep what!! That's exactly what I said
NatsumeRikka here you go. Your book link just copy and paste.
NatsumeRikka no problem, if you want to go ahead I need a lot of work. Hopefully you can guide me and we can give each other feedback =
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NatsumeRikka whaaaa (´・_・`) well now I look stupid thanks! ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° PS what's your book I'll check it out
yu_ba_bu_neng hahhahahaha
Well I'm screwed I don't have a desktop and the nearest library is 2 hours away. I guess I'll just wait till it works or college starts again. (By trolley it takes 40mins to get there) got a month break, I'll just keep writing.
I am don't worry I got this in the bag.... Or in the the pen..... You get what I mean.
UnjustlyUnderpaid hahahaha omg. Clever clever ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
UnjustlyUnderpaid ಥ⌣ಥ thanks bro waaaah so much love waaaah
I can't update a chapter!! This is effecting my readers! Why now? Why?? For the love of god!! #%@&&@
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I'm writing my own fanfic (called Superfail) and I agree with you on that. I'm only writing a fan fiction to improve my terrible writing skills. Surprisingly ive only wrote 5-6 chapters recently in a 2 month period and I already have 13k views o.o so yeah your base can just skyrocket! I didn't even know fan fictions get a bad rep... Thanks for the information! =
UnjustlyUnderpaid you trying to make me cry huh fight me!!
͡° ͜ʖ ͡° thanks bro.
Reinesse sure, my books called superfail
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=/ yeah no problem! Oh and my books name is (Superfail). I'm gonna review your book.