yaoyueyi No... I don’t think so, and it’s really depressing. Like, I can’t read the story without alarms going off in my brain, so I dropped it. I’m pretty sure that the author just went, “Hmm... Q’s are very Chinese sounding... let’s add some vowels... what common Chinese words have I heard... Qing... Que... I know! Qai! But yeah, 菜 would be pretty funny. Also, when you consider that one of the characters was named Kongxu, and I quote, “Me and Qinlun have long decided on his name- hoping that he will bring us great fortune,” Y’know, I could be wrong here, but I hear Kongxu and think of 空虚 a.k.a emptiness, void, blankness, etc... and flatulence in some cases. Is that right? Cause I died when I read that.