• Diss
  • Rant: Don't Butcher Chinese Names Please

SnoozySloth sorry, I think I skipped over this post when I was replying to others. :grimacing: hope it's not too late. Fang Hao sounds fine. Fang should be the last name. Surnames come first in Chinese.
How about 崇凛/Chonglin for the grandfather? Chong = honor and Lin = stern
子龙/Zilong is a pretty classic name with the Long character in it. The meaning is similar to son of dragon.

    So for the grandpa it would be Fang Chonglin? That sounds good to me =)
    I ended up naming the son of heaven character Tai Long. Hopefully I didn't butcher it too badly >.> lol

      yaoyueyi I need a name for three people ( I need short and easy to pronounce names like nei li, qin li, mo heng )
      Character 1: male
      Characteristics: short tempered, hot blooded, loud mouthed,
      Name type: something related to blood, or demons, along those lines
      Character 2: female
      Characteristics: overbearing, violent, dominant, assertive
      Name type: something related to rock, Stone, mountain or oxen
      Character 3: female
      Characteristic: calm,gentle,sweet,kind
      Name type: something related to flowers with thorns

        Funny how I just this post and literally just read a novel where the MC name is Ting Wo I couldn’t help but think of it as 听我 which was quite weird 😅


          Thank you for this post. May you check on mine too?

          Ye Ai Ning.

          Surname is Ye. If I remember correct it mean 'leaf' but can it just be a surname? The name is Ai Ning which mean love and person of peace. Now I don't know if I could just mix this two.

          Jiang Liu

          Jiang is the surname which mean 'river'. Now I do know that the name Liu means 'willow' but I wonder if I could use 'precious stone' which is written in a different character as the translation instead. I search around but I saw them using that character on places or things.

            Xiao_yue yes, ye is the surname. I'm personally not a fan of ai ning but it's not too bad.
            jiang liu makes me think of a flowing river so it's kind of weird but okay

              Can you check these names please?
              Su Song
              Su Ouyang
              Tang Li
              Tang Huan

                Gloomy4_669 su song sounds kinda stupid
                ouyang is generally a surname so you're having two surnames in a row
                tang li is okay
                tang huan is not as good as tang li but decent

                  In Brazil, strange names appear, such as Isadora pinto de Jesus, which can be understood Isa likes Jesus' penis, so when I see a weird name in Chinese I do not think it strange
                  It has name that is literally the date of birth
                  Man with female name
                  Name that only has last name

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