Day 471, still waiting.
Attendance!!! ^_^
Hey Im just joining Im a jamaican girl i have lots of plans go this app with my writing skills but it seems a bit different here anyone here have any advise to offer?
Life_With_Keiona join webnovel writers server. it's where the real show is. glhf writing!
Day 472
Lately our home wifi connection is down. It has been down for 5 days now. It's like a really sad situation because a lot of people at home are sick so like no one goes any where and we don't have internet to entertain ourselves.
I've been using mobile data or leeching off of others at home but it's really frustrating that there is no wifi. The air feels drier than usual and it rained yesterday so that's just my brain being weird.
itsmeTuba i hope you wifi gets okay soon, Fellow Daoist!
Day 473
ZeusTheOlympian hello hello, Fellow Daoist!
Hello all, new here...
Day 474
mona_keshwari welcome, Fellow Daoist! Please enjoy your stay in webnovel!
Immovable087 ## Thank you, my Daoist friend, same to you
hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!
Senshi hello hello
Day 475
There should be a badge created just for @Immovable087 for the dedication in this thread. Man, I applaud you. :D
LinShui thank you, Fellow Daoist!