excuse me, XP is useless, having levels is completely useless there isn't a single advantage in it
Check in issue
Midion that dosnt work lol. they can see how much view count each novel has. they know wich ones ppl are actually reading.
Also did not receive the SS
I also didn't get check in ss reward for 2 days and got power stones instead. Meh, seems not enough people are paying to read so they are gonna slowly make free ss unviable. Gotta push those fat goose to shed their golden feathers. Those 'bigger reward' are power or energy stone or useless xp. What a joke. Guess we are slowly coming to an end at this site as free readers. Oh well, it was inevitable...
Don’t know what’s going on but I’m missing about a hundred SS. Last I checked I was over 600 and now i only have 500 and I didn’t even use it. I shouldn’t be losing SS for signing in everyday. What’s up? And how are you guys fixing this? I didn’t save all those SS just for you guys to steal them when I’m not paying attention.
SS stones got a expire date, i think it's a month for Free SS and 3 months for payed SS, i don't know, you should ask someone else that knows, but...i do know that they got a expiration date
i'm already level 5 why do i even need XP anymore
No seriously it’s jut disappearing. My SS are disappearing like crazy. If I knew this was going to happen I would have just blow it all. But I can’t use them cause all your damn translator/authors aren’t even releasing chapters. Don’t blame me for something your staffs aren’t competent of. Give me back my SS. Seriously, this is why people give you guys so much $h1t. First, you steal others translated work. And now you steal our SS. Tsk tsk tsk, didn’t your mother ever tell you that stealing is wrong? You would think that a successful business such as this wouldn’t ever plagiarize but should’ve known seeing as how most of their biggest hits are of stories’s MC plagiarizing others work. Yeah, sorry (not really) still disappointed how IRAS isn’t how it’s so cropped-out to be.
P.S. you guys have successfully stolen 200+ SS.
Looking forward for it!
The 'Rate this chapter' button doesn't work. It's been going on for a long time now. Please fix it.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL my issue is related to check-in, even though I have been checked-in daily for almost 60 days. I still haven't got the endeavour badge unlocked! Is this just a bug or what?
I checked in too and didn't get anything
I did not receive the entire weekend bonus on check-in.
- Edited
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL please check, i can't vote for next novel again
Hi. I have refreshed the pages countless times already. The books still doesnt load.