Lord Xue Ying
I vote for Lord XY, too. 2 tickets per day. Don't blame me to keep the title in vote pool, title releasing is controled by our editorial team rather myself. Let's vote vote vote
I voted for it, but in all honesty...
why there a novel listed in the Voting section that already has 279 chapters released by the same translation team that is continuing the translation on Qidian?!?
Is it just supposed to be filler for the Voting section?
its seems that WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL has absolutely no reign over anything that happens on the site, therefore why even bother arguing about?
Same with novel pickup request, if the only one looking here is web novel account and he has not even the rights to accept them...then why bother
I'm sad, looks like LXY is getting roughly the same votes as the poison novel, but the poison novel is already 30k ahead, so two weeks for LXY 0.0
I am really sad with the voting counts. With all the hype we've had with LXY threads, I was expecting more.
- Edited
Well do the readers over at radiant even know that LXY is being voted for here at all?
Can't really see any post about it on their front page or anything.
I think it's going to be the week after this. What's sad is I want it, but at the same time the other two novels look interesting(I still use my two votes for LXY). I even started to vote for them before LXY got added. Well maybe they can get a bigger backlog so it's not that bad.
Sadly don't think we can beat the Poison Immortal, tho I was also voting for that novel before LXY came on the list as it seemed like the best. I just hope we can beat Omnipotent sage.
I heard somewhere that LXY is going to be released at Radiant too.
48 hours after the chapter launches here the chapter will be released there too.
A pretty harsh time frame IMO .
Please pick it up .
Vote you bastards.
THE GAP IS SHRINKING!!!! slowly but surely!!
It's a 8400 difference right now! WE CAN DO IT!!!
The gap is shrinking indeed. I still think it shrinks a bit too slow though.
Lets hope i am wrong, i really want to read this as soon as possible.
A cliffhanger where the main character is going to die soon for the duration of over 6 months.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger indeed.