
  • Dec 5, 2023
  • Joined Sep 19, 2017
  • As long as they are better than the last. And by that I mean releases at least 5 chapters a week. Instead of maybe 1, or you're lucky we got 2.

  • QI!! Where are you?! We need it!

    • N0xiety Do you think the translators were being paid fairly back then? Especially for certain novels who's pace was abysmal. For instance look at Lord Xue Ying.... You were lucky if Radiant did 4 in a week(early 2017 and up not sure how it was before). Now if I can get 7 or 8 I'll be happy. How did he/she, or they manage to up the release? Because the pay that they are getting is better than before. No one is going to slave away. So that's the only conclusion to have. If QI is operating at a lost WHILE providing a nice web AND MOBILE(This is a big one... Can read in bed without my phone fucking burning my fingers, and dropping on my chest-- dumb crappy ads), then they deserve some profits. I just wish it was a monthly fee for premium, hopefully during the beta they see it's unsustainable, and instead go REASONABLE rates for premium access. For instance tiers.

    • checking Really? It's my favorite novel atm. Shadow hack maybe will be like it, which is why I'm looking for wards to more chapters.

      • I think it's going to be the week after this. What's sad is I want it, but at the same time the other two novels look interesting(I still use my two votes for LXY). I even started to vote for them before LXY got added. Well maybe they can get a bigger backlog so it's not that bad.

        • I completely forgot I made this post. I just wanted to say that maybe 2 or 3 weeks now it's fixed. I don't see the loading thing, I simply just need to scroll down once more. Then they populate. Whatever you guys did worked. Thanks. @Clarkie

        • Clarkie It's windows 10, and chrome Version 62.0.3202.94. Lazy load? Do you mind taking a screenshot of what that looks like on that page? Because I'm not seeing it. And stuff happens it's ok.

          • Hi,

            I realized on the web app I can only have 20 novels in my reading list. On the mobile app it's fine with more.

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