I wish to be a mod but not a member of the group at the moment.

- Aug 1, 2018
- Joined Nov 21, 2017
From India. Mostly always keep actively following a handful of novels and have one series reading(or rereading if i particularly liked some novel) from the start. Also keep on reading any kind of stories I can get a hand on from English novels to translated stories)
luckynumber4 sanjiegun(Three sectioned staff) or panlong gun(Coiling dragon staff)
allenguarnes That is not just here on QI, everywhere that you see a new post by any translation group, there will always be people doing that thing. Heck, even I was doing that sort of thing when WW and GT were the only sites to get good novels and I would spam f5 for a chance to post first. It sort of became a game, but there was no exp or any incentive to do so. Only did it because I liked that novel at that time.
UnluckyDude Same thing that I said above.
allenguarnes Still people will be able to rig this easily. Just mass creating temporary email account (accounts are only checked while verification) level each account for minimum basic privileges and use each account to like your main account. Using a password manager would just make it a one click login and a one click like thing.(I am not counting bots as making scripts is still not as widespread as doing it manually) Not saying that the Idea is bad but if we are to improve some deficient system then we should remove all the deficiencies as on a website of this scale iterations while improving should be kept minimum.
Cilliez I am with you on this.
LVL 3 with 1000 xp to go.
Yes I am maintaining that number for a few days :)Neverfire7 Even if they are not doing that, the sheer number of novels being recommended in novel pickup request doesn't make it seems like even 10% of them will see the light of the webpage here on webnovels.com . Honestly now every-time I see a new novel on here, even if I like that novel much, I lose hope that It will ever get translated due to the overwhelming stack of novels and a finite set of translators. That is not counting on the possibility that the admins might not even be checking any of the novels on novel pickup request section.
mine does that every alternate day
had the issue a few days ago. Working fine now.
if all media types are counted then Doulou Dalu manhua. First written novel would be ISSTH.
JunkieOverThe_Moon They will have to do something. There are only 4 novels left so its either to introduce new novels after 4 weeks or being stuck with the energy stones with no use and a blank section.
DeathStroke96 Will that happen even on the chapters? I have seen the word making on a few chapters while it is censored on the comments. Maybe censor is not on for the translations.
Billdoor When did that happen?
Klepar That was a major concern for me too. But if we look at the novel overall then it is still much better than many of the other translated novels.
Both are korean novels with original publisher Munpia. Dont see a case where they will be giving traslation rights to Qidian. Gravity did mention in their last or the announcement one before that they were in talks to bring the novel back. They did managed the feat with Zhan Long so there is chance for both of them too.