WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL That is exciting but also kind of sad as well. It has been a great ride
FMHM will Mass Release To The End!!!
XOMatsumaeohana I do and dont at the same time!
carrotyun Me too!
LavaRush can you delete the first comment?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL OMG......thankyou my dear translator.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL oh, I thought the story NEET Receives a Dating Sim would also release mass chapters.
oh my goodness!!! really??!!! mass releases to the end!!! im so happy, excited but little sad because my fave novel is ending soon. Nevertheless, Im so happy for the BUNS!!!
mixed emotions are surging through me to know that this wonderful novel will be coming to an end already... :) :(
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Looking forward to it.. Start saving SS!
So the end is coming? You guys ready? I mean, are your ss ready for the mass release? Lol gonna miss bro xi, big bun and lil bun tho also my favorite koi fish, jiang muye and lots!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I also want the Little Bun Badge. But I don't have the money to be in the top 500. I'll just settle with the Big Bun Badge. Thank you very much!!!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Sale of spirit stones, please!!!
im looking forward to the mass release..
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I love the mass release... What a great way to end the year... But on the other hand, this means the novel will end sooner than later
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I bet Master and Disciple are included in this
Wow!!! Thanks webnovel.
I love this novel too badly!!
Thanks Thanks Thanks
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Finally the end is here!... Wait.... No!!! I don't ever want to stop reading about the bun family