Hey when will Transcending the nine heavens chapter will update.

    I have a simple question. Will topics which have already passed away like 'Kingdom-Building' again come in some other TGIF?

      I feel like crying because of the allocation in super sale!

        CKtalon 2-3 chapter is just extra chapter not mass release. Mass release at least double from weekly release or at least more than 5 chapter. 2 chapter mass release LOL 😂

          Wooow... and again... almost only romance gettingass releases... 6 in 8... really... why noy choose a tag or kind of novel per week? At least we would get mass release with more themes... I do like some romances... but... what about wuxia and etc? Or super popular novels...
          Wepl... at least... a mass release of 3 chaps... hm.... yeaaah... know what nvmd keep up with the romance... is not that big a difference...

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