Cool thread yo and i think yes like in the ancient legends superhuman people may have actually just been cultivators and gods like the Greek Egyptian and Roman ones may have been people who has transcended the realm of humans, Also what if the pyramids were built by cultivators??, that would be very interesting don't u think!!
What if like as science progressed cultivation decreased and that's why the Chinese empire gradually began to lose their power. Also this theory would like explain why the Chinese empire had dominated for a very long time. Maybe Qi and Aura are basically the same and like Aura was the first stage to Qi Control ig?? and what if the monsters like hydra Nemean lion and other monsters were like animals who condensed qi. And maybe UFOs were actually just cultivators who were flying around on their condensed qi shield or something. This is my opinion and if u guys find this interesting email me to talk about this. i have a whole bunch of things like this to discuss
Do you think it is possible for cultivators to exist in real life?
And also the Bigfoot, the Lochna Monster, Atlantis, the Golden Ants, underwater cities in the ocean, underwater caves, strange cave paintings and many other obscure things for modern man of the 21st century. Maybe this too, some remnants of artifacts of ancient cultivators?
Reku_Nu_Hax I have no idea how to message people on here, can you leave some way to contact you? Like discord or email
Reku_Nu_Hax if you have any secret share it we me also..
DaoBart Just wanted to point out that Satan was originally an angel, wich unlike humans are NOT supposed to have free will, he was banished from Heaven because he was like a defective product, he had emotions. Angels are the enforces of God, humans are their children that gained free will the moment Eva took the apple in Eden. She and Adam weren't supposed to eat the apple, and by doing it they commited a miracle not foreseen by God and therefore were expelled from Eden, because everything that happens in Eden is supposed to happen according to the plan of God. I do not believe in the biblical God btw.
As for the main question, I do not think cultivators as portrayed in typical novels exists. The Energy of the Heavens is what breaks it for me. Energy is often misconstructed in media. Energy is not tangible, visible, audible and you can't DIRECTLY interact with it, you can't feel it. Energy is a transfering of potential and nothing more, you don't wield it, you just move it indirectly. I do think though that people is capable of spiritual enlightment. This is a form of mortal transcendancy, but only temporarily, and certainly not as a skill or trade. As for Fate, there are a lot of interpretations for it, but personally I would like to think that we really hve free will. The only restraint known to man has been and will always be man itself
While some of this is true, your account isn’t entirely accurate. Whatever beliefs you have are fine, but the biblical/Christian account also should be told accurately if it is being quoted. There could be mistakes here because I’m not perfect, but I’ll try to give a more accurate description from a “biblical perspective”.
Satan wasn’t defective. He was the leader of the angels and choose to rebel. He had free choice as the general of the angels. Other angels don’t have free will (that is true). By the way, he reveled because he wanted to rule heaven with god. He commanded something like 1/3 of the angels, so he wanted half and equal rights to god. When god refused, he led his angels in revolt.
Fun fact, demons and angels are the same creatures! They look the same and have the same powers. The only difference is the mast set they serve. There are also twice as many angels as demons since they don’t reproduce. However, humans are an entirely different creature.
This gets more and more complicated the deeper you go, so I’ll stick with basics. God created humans for companionship. he gave them free choice from the start. They are not descendants from anything else but god. We also were made in gods image. People ask what god looks like a lot. He looks like a human. We were made to be like him. By the way, humans are spirts in Christian beliefs. Think of it like a spirit that is living in a body. The spirit is what never dies and such. The body is the Vessel your spirit exists on earth in.
So what’s with the apple and the tree? Mankind isn’t perfect, that is a difference we have with god. Eden was perfect, and god gave it to Adam and Eve. When eve ate the apple (with Adam, they both did it), she let some into the perfect world. God can’t coexist with sin, so he couldn’t live on earth with them anymore. Basically, Eve gave the world to Satan when she ate the apple. Things like decay and death started at this point. She could do this because god gave ownership of the world to Adam and Eve. Everything in the Bible is gods plan to reverse this and reestablish his relationship with humanity.
Again, this is my take on Christian beliefs as a Christian. You can disagree if you want.
Some fun facts people miss about Christian beliefs:
God creates everything in order from least impressive to most impressive. The last thing, and thus greatest thing, he created is Woman (not man).
Man and Woman were made for a different purpose, but they are supposed to work together. In fact, man has half of the positive traits of god while woman has the other half. A couple that is a man and woman are most like god when they work together well. This was intentional design. You could describe it like this, a man and a woman working together in harmony have powers at gods level. By themselves they are operating at half capacity at best (the Bible claims that they get something like 10,000 times more powerful together).
God gave man authority over the world and everything in it. In other words, all humans are greater then anything else in existence here. We have the right, from god, to rule over everything else. That comes with responsibilities to care for it too... looking up olden rules for leadership/kings makes that clear.
Satan didn’t give humans free will. They always had it. Without free will, you can’t defy god. This was intended so that humans could choose to love god. Alternatively, some have to choose not to to prove that we really have a choice. God designed it this way on purpose. This is why Christians should never be “pushy” about their views. God says he will be the one to call people to him. Christians are just supposed to make people aware of the gospel, or the story of Jesus, so that everyone knows they have a choice.
shadowdrake27 I read the bible when I was very little and didn't remember a couple of things you mentioned, but this was very cool! Thanks for sharing!
Ps. I always thought the apple they ate was an euphemism for sex
No problem! The apple is really an apple as far as I know. There are a lot of metaphors in the Bible, but that is not one of them (lol). Also, I agree with your assume that on fate. I think people have free will to choose what they do.
agreed I feel you brother
DaoBart well we have supernatural powers, and there's different ways to achieve it and one of them is Austerity that monk in old China practice which unlock a very few powers in human bodies, as scientists said human brain has unknown capabilities that still we can't found to how active it , there is also another way which gives humans some weird and strong power but is not recommended for normal humans and they shouldn't go in that direction if they are not ready to accept to consciousness of it because they will lose their Conscience in the process of it , and it's about to make a contact with the creatures that are hidden from us humans , i don't want to talk about it anymore and its not recommended because i know few ppl that suffered from it greatly....anyway there is nothing like cultivation but ways to achieve powers that humans aren't allowed to use...
The end.
There are many theories of how the world began, in one hand we have religion and in the other we have science, but the one thing that i find in comon is that they both have a missing part for example religion says god created everything, my question to that how did god existed and why? for science we have the big bang, and the same question, how and why.
The space we live in is just like a speck of sand in a desert, so my question how is that this planet (earth) is the only one in the vast cosmos that has life, or why we want to believe that.
Maybe cultivators are people of those worlds we don't know in this bast universe.
somthing i am certain is that in this moment there are no earthly cultivators, why do i say that? Because the world we live in is too young or to old and it doesn't have spirituality, mana, qi, prana however you like to call it, or it is just extremely thin so it doesn't affect anything (i include animals and plants).
In conclusion........i want to cultivate......):
i just wanted to post something because i found it very interesting, and wanted to share something
Pd: because we can't do it now doesn't mean we can't do it later it is just that we lack knowledge to do it.
Your explanation was very good, i am not a religious man myself, i believe that religion is like a guide for people to better themselves in a way the predesesors stablished, for example the ten commandments.
you mention creationalism, but let me ask you something, in the bible it is said that god created the sun, the earth and the moon but it never mentions the other planets in the solar system and going further nothing about other systems in the galaxy, what is your opinion on that, based on your religious beliefe, it's just a curiosity of mine don't feel ofended and if you do, i ask you pardon me.
- Edited
Sure, I don’t mind having a friendly discussion. I’ll start by saying that this is my opinion, and everyone has a different opinion. So, I respect the fact that you are not religious.
Actually, I disagree with the initial premise. You have to remember that the Bible was written my men who lived like 2,000 years ago. They didn’t know what “planets” or “black holes” or “space” were. After god created light and the sea, he created lights in the sky (or stars). Those are all of the things that you are looking for. They just didn’t know what all of the “lights” were. If you are curious, this is Genesis 1:14.
Also, on a personal note, I’ve studied space a lot. I’m literally an aerospace engineer. You might be curious to hear that nothing in space conflicts with the Bible (except the belief that god is real, which can’t be proven scientifically). However, some different aspects of more modern explanations of the universe, like the Big Bang, have mathematical and theoretical problems that can’t be solved. Again, my opinion. That’s why Steven Hawkins argues that there is no beginning: he can’t explain how the beginning happens. Even models that run in an infinite loop with white holes spawning new universes would need something (or someone) to start the process...
I'm pretty sure farmers exist.
Fern_is_Plant boop, an interesting discussion :)
Reku_Nu_Hax If it's not a bother would you be able to share this with me as well? There is no direct message system on this platform unfortunately.
DaoBart yes i would and i still belive in cultivation i perhaps so you are slight the right dao