• Balabala...
  • Do you think it is possible for cultivators to exist in real life?

Yes the monks and China are cultivator the problem is that something is missing. Maybe is your body is locked because of the brain maybe we don't have I new sorce of nutrition (like when we cook the raw meat our body didn't have to burn so much energy to digest the food so the extra energy got to the brain and the brain evolved and got a lot bigger.)

    Well in my opinion if there is something lacking it would be knowledge. Like cultivation manuals and so on. In my opinion they do exist, and there is a way, but it's hidden from the masses, and you need a lot of luck to stumble uppon that. We deny the fact about heaven and earth energy existing because we can't see, feel or touch it. There are cases of people cultivating the so called qi or chi as the energy coming from within yourself. But that seems in a range of wuxia I would say, just improving yourself a little with martial arts.

    I know the question is similar to subjects like : does even supernatural exist? does magic exist? does God exist?

    I am just curious what are your opinions on the subject. Is there even the slightest probability for cultivators to exist in our world?

      DaoBart I think it is possible and while I have many ideas about stuff like this, it’s too much to write and I am too lazy

        I think if you make the characters in the Catholic Bible “cultivators”, it will explain a lot.
        No offense to Catholics though.

          Cultivator... I think they don't exist but I think human can evolve in something similar with an adeguate time, environment and technology but cultivation with strange manuals of studying the law of universe (the so called martial Dao) isn't very likely to exist

            NorthernLakeDaoist you can think that some life form that is birth on a planet that have a gravity that's 100 time earth when on earth is comparable to superman That with a jump can overcome the whole Malaya mountains

              All of those shackles of mortality makes me angry. Especialy the catholic point of view! (I am not a religious racist or something, everybody has different taste, somebody prefers apple over pineapple and everybody can have a different point of view). But like 33% of the world population is following Christianity, we can say it is the main religion of our present world. It is said that we have a free will! but dmn how can we have a free will if there isn't a way for us to improve? I would give everything for a way to cultivate myself, to get stronger. But what do we get? mundane life without a slightest chance to surpass our mortal selves! All those lectures about free will but we don't even have a choice to get stronger, to change our fate! Dem, even the bible states that we have a free will, but still Lucifer got sent to hell because he disobeyed God. How is this free will if your ambitions differ from the so called God and you get sent to hell for punishment.

              That's why i find xianxia cultivation the best thing ever. You are the only factor that decides your destiny.

              I would give up everything for even a slightest chance to become a cultivator! Even if I've missed the best period of my life to cultivate!

              Wouldn't you?

                I believe everything in this world follow some principles or laws. We give meaning to those we could see and understand. We also make theories based upon assumptions to satisfy our own curiosity.

                We always disparage those who imagine things and have believes beyond imagination. Until we have a breakthrough in the field of genetics, people refuse to believe in the path of evolution or cultivation.

                  If you really want to gain an insight into cultivation, climb Mount Everest on your bare feet without the use of any equipments.
                  It's not necessary to reach the peak, bit there's a chance that you may gain something ( there were some people who could even cure chronic illness through these pilgrimages), that's the place with the highest chance to find anything

                    Overlord_Venus or it could be a good way to kill yourself trying 😅
                    The first guy to climb Everest without oxygen mask did not think that he will return alive
                    Well his obsession has probably given him some sort of enlightment so if anyone want to follow his foodsteps be ready to die trying. If that’s ok with you then next step is to not log in in here for a few months so you can focus on “cultivation” 👌

                    Overlord_Venus the human body is very complex thing, but is certain that that our's body is probably the most adaptable thing on earth, during desperate moment the human body can unlock a part of the hidden genetic potential and That result of very interesting change to our body (es our immunity system can work dozens or even hundreds time more efficiently and quickly for short term and that can cause the so called miracle that can cure chronic illness) or you can try to isolate 10-20 generation of humans in extreme environments and observe the effects that have on the human body and the genitic code...

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