Hi _
I know it's been a while but here it goes, my latest work. I'd be glad if you check it out:
Title: RyuTar, YinYuan
--> https://www.webnovel.com/book/15632381105425305
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Slow Romance and, of course BL
Born a fatherless bastard, Nox ZaiWin has always been seen as a pariah by those around him. It doesn’t matter how hard he’s always tried to make a name for himself, excelling both in combat and military strategy, climbing all the way to his present position as Calzai by sheer hard work and persistence.
His black hair marks hims as an outcast. His unorthodox markings make him someone to be scorned and feared by most. All his life he’s walked over a thin, dangerous line, trying his best to keep his head down, avoiding gathering too much attention, obediently following every Imperial command thrown his way. His only wish is to be left alone to Govern his ravaged Province, helping his impoverished people rebuild their lives after centuries of suffering and negligence.
And so yes, the last thing he wanted, was to become some Celestial’s Chosen One. And is that even a Celestial?
With silver hair and pale blue eyes instead of their usual golden color, the scrawny, bloody brat that stumbles towards him and falls on his knees at his feet is everything but what a Celestial should be. To begin with he’s just murdered more than one-hundred of his men with a single scream, when Celestials are supposed to be holly, pure beings, that abhor all forms of death and killing. And yet the link that is immediately established can’t be denied, and with it he is certain to suddenly become a living target for those who have always wanted him dead.
No other choice! No matter how sinful it may be, the brat must die. But first he has to find a way to undo that damned bound, or he risks losing his life as well.