Xyphon_Storm Well, thank you for your comment, it wasn't a trap eheh. I really made this "question" because i really felt the anger of "this guy" about that, I guess that you're right when you talk about the sensitivity of some about that subject.
You talk about economic but i don't think that's necessarily the "source" of the issue, the economic aspect isn't the only one i was talking about, the second catalyst that led me to ask this question is more historical than economic, although I imagine that today both "feed" each other.
Okay so i will talk about experience here, i saw people in my country ( french ) who may have a bit of a grudge against American, it's not only about economic, but also historic here. Okay so here is the situation : In France, there is some sort of crazy thing which happened after the WW2, with the Shoah born, there is an extreme sensitivity about that subject today, all the years in the education, you will have to EAT this new religion of : french collaborated, they are guilty, they made slavery...( i guess it's a bit like America today, but for us it has been 40 years.
So you may wonder what's the relation with American, but there it is : Since people are extremly sensitive about that part of history, they began to search a bit more with time about that periode, and i guess a few things had been occulted before that. Like the fact that when American came in, there has been 4000 rape reported from them to the population. They made as much rape in 4 month than Nazi in 4 years. So even if not everyone is angry about that sort of historic fact, or even economic situation, it's not that unusual to see people with resentment, and from what i saw, the others countries seem to share a part of those negativ opinion about you guys.
Yet again, i know it doesn't concern americans right now, it's not because there is some asshole that everyone is like that. The whole point was to ask you this question : Do all the Americans even know how much of a grudge there is against them in others places ?
I hope i made it clear, sorry for my shit english, i'm french, that's my excuse.