Precheur I was mostly saying that it is inaccurate to generalize an entire nation when talking about personal knowledge and or opinions of each individual within a said nation (blah blah blah). There are so many different social groups and distinctions between people even within the same neighborhood in many places within America. This is especially true in the larger cities where people from different cultural groups and original nationalities intermix and live next to each other more often. We have new immigrants coming from virtually every nation worldwide all the time. There is a common saying here that compares America to a great melting pot where cultures from all over mix in and each group may even have a different idea about what being an American is even about.
The public face of how America is can also be different around the world depending on how your own news organizations want to spin us. It doesn't help that our broadcasters tend to put only the most controversial or entertaining people they can find on the airwaves because it makes them money. Something that many countries try to prevent to preserve their nation's international image. Let's face it, all countries have idiots that tend to get the most attention.
I could probably write twenty pages of this poorly organized explanation, but if all you want is a yes or no answer to blow off steam and justify any conclusions you may have made, then I'll put it more simply.
Many Americans have no idea what is going on beyond their line of sight and have no clue about the rest of the world, but there are exceptions.
Not everyone views the news and even if they do, they only see what the news wants to show them. There are a lot of ignorant people all over the world and America definitely has its fair share of them. I wish more people would go out of their way to find out about the rest of the world but even investigative journalism has been in decline.
I want to go into more detail but this isn't a research paper and it has been more than ten years since I took a sociology class. I've already put in an effort to give a somewhat coherent answer. If you want more than what I've said or more than simple answers based on individual perspectives, you should start researching more into the different socio-political groups around America. A simple forum is hardly the place to get a serious answer if you were looking for one. If you wanted a magic button to solve all human stupidity in the world there are two people you can contact. Putin and Trump. Scary, I agree.