
  • Joined Aug 12, 2018
  • Precheur I was mostly saying that it is inaccurate to generalize an entire nation when talking about personal knowledge and or opinions of each individual within a said nation (blah blah blah). There are so many different social groups and distinctions between people even within the same neighborhood in many places within America. This is especially true in the larger cities where people from different cultural groups and original nationalities intermix and live next to each other more often. We have new immigrants coming from virtually every nation worldwide all the time. There is a common saying here that compares America to a great melting pot where cultures from all over mix in and each group may even have a different idea about what being an American is even about.

    The public face of how America is can also be different around the world depending on how your own news organizations want to spin us. It doesn't help that our broadcasters tend to put only the most controversial or entertaining people they can find on the airwaves because it makes them money. Something that many countries try to prevent to preserve their nation's international image. Let's face it, all countries have idiots that tend to get the most attention.

    I could probably write twenty pages of this poorly organized explanation, but if all you want is a yes or no answer to blow off steam and justify any conclusions you may have made, then I'll put it more simply.

    Many Americans have no idea what is going on beyond their line of sight and have no clue about the rest of the world, but there are exceptions.

    Not everyone views the news and even if they do, they only see what the news wants to show them. There are a lot of ignorant people all over the world and America definitely has its fair share of them. I wish more people would go out of their way to find out about the rest of the world but even investigative journalism has been in decline.

    I want to go into more detail but this isn't a research paper and it has been more than ten years since I took a sociology class. I've already put in an effort to give a somewhat coherent answer. If you want more than what I've said or more than simple answers based on individual perspectives, you should start researching more into the different socio-political groups around America. A simple forum is hardly the place to get a serious answer if you were looking for one. If you wanted a magic button to solve all human stupidity in the world there are two people you can contact. Putin and Trump. Scary, I agree.

  • I get scared for the contracted authors and translators when I see mass release announcements. Could just be my imagination but I assume the authors are under contract to work extra hard for such events, or else...

    • I thought this might be a trap but clicked it anyway. Um, without seeing exactly what you're referencing, I would say that hating a person's country is like insulting their parent. If the hate is over-generalized, it feels misplaced when it doesn't seem to apply to the individual reading it. Wouldn't you feel wronged by getting crap from someone you haven't personally done anything to? I can also speak from personal experience that many Americans feel helpless about our corrupt politics and evil corporate empires.

      It has been the case that humans tend to get greedy since money and power were first used. It is unfortunate that America's faults affect the rest of the world so much. Us poor Americans just try to put food on the table as well as we can without causing anybody harm. At least, that's what me and mine do.

      We're stuck between a rock and a hard place and then we get scorn from random people for things we have no power over. As a voter, I've come to feel that voting has just been a way to placate the masses by making us think our voices matter. It seems like it takes the politically motivated news to sensationalize an issue before it even gets addressed and I'm sure we've all seen how that can get out of control.

      In summary, the world is getting scary for many of us and we often find ourselves lashing out when we feel frustrated. The comments section of such and such story is an easy place to vent for some people. I haven't done so myself. I find writing a story is what helps me survive my stress more than anything else.

      Then again, some people just don't like it when you bash what's theirs no matter what.

      • I'm no expert on creating proper business models but maybe a system that allows you the option to purchase complete volumes at reasonable prices and still allows spirit stones to be used to unlock newer chapters. (Assuming novels are split into volumes.)

        • To edit your synopsis (on a computer, not sure if its different on a mobile device) Go into your inkstone dashboard. Along the left of your screen is the Novels tab as I'm sure you already know. Click on it and click on explore on the far right of the screen. Then look along the top right of the screen and you should see a gear widget-like thing next to/on the left side of the create new chapter button. Click on that to edit your cover, title, synopsis, etc.

          I don't mean to come across as belittling and earnestly hope this helps. It took me about two weeks to notice the darn button to upload a cover lol.

          On a side note, does anyone know how to add footnotes right inside the text as I see in some of the fancier translated works?

          • Lizabelle88 Thank you for the pep talk. I was seriously wondering if I should just end my novel and move on due to lack of response. No reviews and only a single comment so far.

            My underwhelming numbers stand at 25 collections and 74.6k views for 33 chapters totaling 74k words or so since August.


            • I hope this is an acceptable way to make this request/suggestion.

              I would like to be able to move my auxiliary volume and its chapters independently. Specifically, I would like to be able to put my glossary at the end of all the chapters and also have a single chapter committed to giving updates after new uploads but before the glossary. I feel not many of my readers take the trouble to go back to the beginning to look for updates and I'd rather not use the short author's comments section for this purpose.

              If this is already a feature, I haven't figured out how to use it let alone find it. I know I could just create a new chapter of updates everytime but that would spam the list of new releases/updates on the main page if I did that.

              Thank you for your time.

              • Odd, I'm still getting about 9 ss like normal from the daily check-in. But it is possible that I live in a time dilation that makes my today everybody else's yesterday. looks around So, how about some stock tips? (just kidding)

              • Reinesse I didn't realize you were a fellow author. I thought you were a random reader complaining about lack of updates. Oh well, this isn't the first time I've embarrassed myself and won't be the last. Good day.

                • WinterBud Thank you, I appreciate your well-wishes and wish prosperity for you as well. I mostly mentioned fanfiction because when I first saw their numbers I seriously doubted whether they were paying the proper royalties to the original creators of the content they are working off of. Which I, of course, found frustrating at that time so I included it as an example. As much as I've experienced and learned in this life, I still hold to some naivety in wanting justice and fairness. Absurd, I know.

                  • When we spend all of our free time writing chapters to the point that we don't get paid and we don't get laid but they still drop our book...

                    • I'm an amateur author writing my first webnovel on this site and can share some of what I've noticed.

                      1) When creating a brand new novel completely from scratch, it is nearly impossible to keep up with novels that are already very far along especially the professional ones with a stockpile of chapters being translated.
                      2) Personal life gets in the way. We can't always spend the entire day typing out our chapters.
                      3) Some of us new authors live paycheck to paycheck and have to work a large part of the time and thus have very limited free time. Add in a personal life and we have even less time to churn out new chapters.
                      4) Webnovels tend to be judged on their release rates and chapter counts. For new authors to be able to compete with established novels we often have to make shorter chapters to up our numbers and release rates. This may also lower the quality of our work.
                      5) Many of us authors don't have the energy to keep going at our fastest release rate. Our motivation also takes a hit when nobody comments or we only get negative comments. I personally see the number of collections my book is added into fluctuate seemingly without reason. I try not to take it personally when my numbers go down but I'm not even given a reason why from those that drop my book. As far as I know, it costs nothing to keep books in your library, so why drop any? Authors can see when their book is dropped and this hurts our motivation big time.
                      6) We work hard to make an intelligent original work only to see Fanfiction and works of less quality skyrocket in popularity while our reader numbers crawl along. This could be included in loss of motivation but it also makes us step back and rethink our reasons for creating our stories. This leads to #7
                      7) Sometimes authors get stressed out by the pressure and lack of reader response. To destress we may take time away from creating chapters to re-motivate ourselves and reenergize to come back fresh and capable of typing out quality content again.
                      8) Very few of us original authors are actually getting paid for the effort we put in. We are doing this for free most of the time. Ask yourself, would you do all that work for free month after month? If you said yes, would you REALLY put up with criticism and the constant pressure to release more chapters day after day spanning many months just trying to be noticed, ALL for free? Unless you are very passionate and care about your work or just really like that kind of pain, I doubt you'd put out more than one hundred chapters of quality content of at least 2k word length each within a year.

                      There are insights and explanations I haven't included and I can't speak for everyone but at the very least I hope I've explained some of what goes on for us Original authors.

                      If you've actually read this far, I salute you and hope you understand at least some the plight of me and my fellow Original authors.

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