DarkHandCrow yeah even I have not. found such comrade ship in any other light novel yet it mostly surrounds a main characters and his supporters and enimies , but nothing like a team and nakama each as good as the other
reminds me of those kids next door cartoon I used to watchπŸ™ƒ( kind of like one piece in its crazyness )

    I wish QI picked series with slow releases like Martial Peak and Great Demon King. Or those series dropped by translators.
    I try to read most of new novels but I just can't get past first or second chapter

      I was wondering if you could pick up Apocalypse Summoner, i don’t know the chinese name, but it was dropped by the translator since he was going to the army, it is an awesome series.

        4 days later

        GameMage What !!!
        going to army for real!?
        even army professionals translate.....light novels that's news .....
        never thought about it but this could actually be used in multiple ways ..hmmmmm
        yep it can be used for training as
        linguistics training
        can be used to do spy stuffπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚
        codes can be hidden too πŸ’­πŸ—―!!!!πŸ€”

          Trafford i would love for qidian to pick up GDK or Monsters Paradise that would be the dream provided they actually regularly release chapters

            Great demon king since you guys were messing with volare and made them drop it so you guys pick it up cause while im grateful it wasnt dropped completely i cant even compare volares one a day speed to radiants once a month speed so please take over and start cranking them out you owe us another good one to translate would be awakening i find it fun also taking the farm to another world would be great and so would monster factory/monster paradise and please take a death mage that doesnt want a fourth time i love that novel

              ACBDEGFH is that why the updates are so slow cause they caught up to the raws ? cause if it is ive been hating on wuxiaworld for no reason

                rustic yea there was some stuff in there that was kinda messy especially with the native arc and stuff but i also like how its very realistic and it wasnt like other novels where its just like oh the mc got all supplies and left instead the author talks about supply lines and keeping morale up and how to actually manage an army and they actually have a strategy with how to expand their territory and while some things are boneheaded moves overall i think its an amazing read and he didnt kill the child with the native woman just cause she was ugly

                  rustic it was a child of rape the mc of that story got raped and just cause hes a man doesnt mean he cant be raped and while i dont agree with killing children i could see why he would be traumatized and not wish for a child born from rape

                    Akhachilil yea i dont know why they dont have hail the king here cause the translators for that already do translating work for qidian

                      gorky um if you liked terror infinity read the ultimate evolution and the dark net lns theyre both on qidian and quite good

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