WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I'm disappointed. Why I didn't receive my invitation bonus ss? I even invite my mother, I'm the one who log and sign through it using my mother's phone and email but still I didn't receive ss reward. 😠 This is the 2nd time happened to me. I invite friends again 5 hrs ago but still I didn't receive any. 😠😠😠

I want Valiant LIfe mass realaseeeee. NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. TwT Riots

    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL My expectation got thrown down the bottomless shaft.
    I thought you'd focus on the NEW POPULAR & MONTHLY POPULAR for every 10th's. These are just any other TGIF with more titles. (heavy sigh)

    Sad 😭 no mass release for β€œNational school prince is a girl” huhuhu 😒😭

      mng Your welcome. Lets hope they keep telling us through the tgif post itself instead of only through email only. Hopefully this is not just because its the tgif #50 and they not return using email next tgif. Because if they are, does that mean it only happen every 10 tgif? πŸ˜…

      • mng likes this
      • mng replied to this.

        MyrdalHerseim release that witch translation are almost catch up with the raw I think. So they probably wont do any mass release unless its ending and mass release till the end.
        Instead of mass release, I would like more if they give larger discount. At least 90% because 40% and even 50% are still not enough.

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