I don't care for mass releases or discounts for those novels.
I just want news about It's Not Easy to Be a Man After Travelling Into The Future
The novel went on hiatus and not a peep about it from @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL ...
I don't care for mass releases or discounts for those novels.
I just want news about It's Not Easy to Be a Man After Travelling Into The Future
The novel went on hiatus and not a peep about it from @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL ...
I want Valiant LIfe mass realaseeeee. NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. TwT Riots
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Why isn't National School Prince is a Girl not in a mass release tho?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL My expectation got thrown down the bottomless shaft.
I thought you'd focus on the NEW POPULAR & MONTHLY POPULAR for every 10th's. These are just any other TGIF with more titles. (heavy sigh)
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Finally ♡¤♡ Yao si ♡ gets a mass release
I have been waiting baby -
Thank you sooo much
Sad no mass release for “National school prince is a girl” huhuhu
MyrdalHerseim Erm... HoH just had a 30 [or was it 50] chapter mass release for New Year... D: We can't work that fast.
Lonelytree Hehe, forgive your shameless readers, we are just love HoH and can't help!
mng Your welcome. Lets hope they keep telling us through the tgif post itself instead of only through email only. Hopefully this is not just because its the tgif #50 and they not return using email next tgif. Because if they are, does that mean it only happen every 10 tgif?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL what time zone?
MyrdalHerseim release that witch translation are almost catch up with the raw I think. So they probably wont do any mass release unless its ending and mass release till the end.
Instead of mass release, I would like more if they give larger discount. At least 90% because 40% and even 50% are still not enough.
GamerOfLive usually its only 10% or 20% discount. At most its just 30%.
potatatertots GMT +8 ?
My Dad is the Galaxy's Prince Charming's mass release skipped a chapter. Please fix.
MyrdalHerseim forget about mass release, any release for carefree path of dreams would be nice at this point
Nizze I am also waiting for this, no updates for days. Too bad
How can I buy a completed book ? e.g. NIght Ranger
Searched but wasn't able to find it.
Thanks for help
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL pls need more chapters. His shimmering breathtaking light. Starving!!!
Hip hip hip Hooray! 10chaps of Lord Xue Ying. Thanks.