WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL My two cents about the subscription.
Everybody knows that Webnovel will have a subscription base, but what nobody expect that it will cost so much 25$ / month, what outrageous!! Really, you are way to much, Webnovel Director.
But i think, the WORST problem is that you should fire the one setting the price because he / she does not know any math at all. The subscription in Europe cost 26.99 €, you are charging more in Europe, just because you don't know that 1 USD is different that 1 EUR. Right know, 1 USD = 0,87 EUR. To be more explicit, the subscription in Europe should cost 21,75 EUR round it up to 22 EUR, so you are charging more in EUROPE, you are profiting 5 EUR more in Europe, like 6 USD more, you in reality, the subscription in Europe cost 31 USD. YOUR ARE ALL ONLY SCAMMERS, SIRS AND MADAME
Really, 25 USD / month. Are you nuts ! Again, you should fire the person in charge of setting the price, because he / she cant think about of setting several tiers, at least another tier more cheaper and more restrictive, like:
o Unlimited tier: 25 USD / month. (22 EUR / month )
o Premium tier: 12 USD / month ( 11 EUR / month ) Limited to 1 - 2 comics /month + 6 - 8 novels/month
o Member tier: 8 USD / month ( 7 EUR / month ) Limited to 1 comic or 1 novel per month.
This prices and tiers are much wiser, and people will agree more.
I don't say that you should not charge a subscription, I am against that you are charging too much, are you thinking that your readers are all rich people ? I don't think so, sure most of your readers are middle class people, and teenagers. So teenagers, 0 income and middle class workers, depends on where they lives, a middle class worker does not have the same purchasing power in Spain, as in France, USA, Brazil or China.
You should rework this subscription price asap, in my humble opinion.