Tanalei Umm, no, even eff no. You can't compare word counts between a filler-filled chinese webnovel and a reasonable ebook. If you get rid of all the filler, you have way less than your 1.5 million words. More than two-thirds is filler, (repeat info, or redundant descriptions, or effing full chapters of effing reactions of busybodies to MC's actions), Certainly more than the length of a good novel, but no more than a series. And in no way is a series 190$. Even David Weber's Safehold, at (currently) 10 books, is only 75ish $ on Amazon. And that's a bestselling author of (paperbacks and hardcover) books. Now, if you can afford it then obviously it's not overpriced for YOU. But compare it to, as others in this thread did, with netflix or amazon prime, and it is overpriced. Of course, if you compare it to what others on Patreon are willing to pay monthly for just one novel, it's not. In the end, it depends on whether Webnovel would gain more with less. And I think it would. I for one would be willing to pay 10$ per month, and i think that at this pricepoint, the quantity of memberships would generate more than 25@lesser subscriptors. But that's just a theory.

harrisonxxi Do you even have 3-5000 of NEW chapters a month?!? Also, if so, can you really keep things straight in your mind? cuz if I read more than say 10-15 novels, it gets iffy at the pace of 1-2 chapters a day, it all starts to get mixed up there.

    Make it $15 or less and I will subscribe. Otherwise, not worth it. Why?
    Because you can't keep the novel with you once you unsubscribe (unless I'm misunderstanding something). They're not really yours to keep. So that cost is a lending cost.
    Chapters that were unlocked during subscription should remain unlocked (for our entire library if not all books) then maybe $25 is OK (pricey but might be acceptable).
    You want more people reading? More slices of a bigger pie? Reduce the cost barrier.

    akaDEA I reread novels all the time, but typically I’ll go back and reread a whole series after a chunk of chapters comes out.

      If you join today and its a monthly membership does the monthly subscription end 30 days from joining? Or it goes by whatever end date the month ends with?

      February has 28 days this year so if i join today I could only take advantage of 24 days left in the month?

        It's a good option if you were new to the system, and want to binge read lots of completed novels.

        Otherwise, NOPE. πŸ˜‚

          for me it is not worth it because im even looking for raw to read :-:

            25 ripoff price. Qidian sucks.
            il continue reading on pirate sites. they got all your originals now too.

              manna1412 sorry to ask, have your webnovel apps update to the latest version 3.4 (google play). after that you can go to your profile and will see the green "Get Elite Membership 50%", then tap on that.

                $25 for a sub is ridiculous, but if webnovel priced this with the thought that people will binge read then unsub, I guess it makes sense.

                Its just that $25 outprices all other sub options in america that I know of.

                Its nearly 3x as expensive as amazon prime

                It's more expensive than nexflix, weekly shonen jump. My vpn fee, loot crate, etc.

                It's just flat out expensive when it comes to sub fees in general.

                Yuki_Qing Somehow... Even tho' i already buy google voucher... Enough for the discounted price... The app still tell me that it's insufficient... I wanna cry

                  phantomizer31 erm, do you mean you buy ss or buy elite subscription (cause elite will unlock all novel/comic for 1 month). lol, my ss always not enough..

                    🎊 Congratulations WEBNOVEL
                    Normal Subscription System = pay to borrow
                    Count down = 1 month

                    Right now
                    $25 half price > full price
                    πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Oh yes
                    don't forget exchange rate!

                    Pros = Unlock books for 1 month
                    Cons = Money becomes like a log in a river rage.

                    Conclusion= Only Whales, Sharks & those who love subscriptions will fave it.

                    I'm only a child who lives in a shoe house not a whale with a money tree. This does not concern me. πŸ˜‹β˜ΊοΈ

                      How does this effect the authors? Do they still get paid the same amount?

                        Web Novel Novel Ask