The translation quality is getting awful. I've read most of the novel and it has been the same, not necessarily MTL but the approach to translation isn't far off what a machine would do. They all read like someone has taken the Chinese text, ran it through a translation software and then edited the individual sentences to technically correct on their own, which results in a novel that just isn't readable. I guess I just find it frustrating because even some of the worst offenders for stealing content in this field can provide better novel then this site

- Nov 3, 2023
- Joined Feb 14, 2018
so i was reading one for the novel today and every time i read novel i use my phone to read so i didn't know this change. yesterday my phone breakdown and i was going to read most of the chapter on my pc but it didn't letting me and telling me to download app in order to keep reading the novel. i don't think webnovel will going to change it so i can guest this is goodbye
a lot of novels that have been released on webnovel are trash and unreadable. I can understand if there was some mistake, but some of them feel like it came out straight from mtl and not even trying to translate , and they want us to pay for those novels.
the fking webnovel doesn't care n they want to charge money for those garbage novel also. also the novel they release 90% of the time didn't finish and drops.
just go you can still read a lot of novel in piracy site and I'm using them also
Webnovel anti piracy work guys pls read all the novel for free on other site, that where im reading also
You know why they did this? In order to stop piracy that what it was and kind of stupid
- Edited
how the hell this novel make it into webnovel list? i see this is my money want 2I was looking for few new book to read overpass few months. Most of the novel I read has bad translation that it was unreadable and some novel are worse than MTL. I don't even know why they recommending me those kind of bad novel with bad translation. all I ask from those translator or Webnovel is keep quality over quantity because most of the book just that unreadable. I just hope they put more effort into those book and sorry for my bad english.
- In A super Gift
every time I got inbox I thought it one of my novel that release new chapter but no, it was fking super gift so get the fk out of my inbox.
ChiefGamer webnovel only care about money, not you're complaint :D
has anyone have problem with free pass? where you can't use them after you have use them for 3 time or more? i never had this problem before and I normally save up free pass and read a lot of chapter in one go but few weeks ago I start having problem, I can't unlock the chapter with free pass even tho I got a lot of free pass. so i just want to know if was only me or other people having the same problem? I just hope that this is not another one of they limitation to fk us up.
Welcome To Webnovel a new way of scamming people!
This is stupid you pay for 50 adv chapter and you still need to fking pay those 50 chapter again in order for you to read. i think i will just go fking read raw and make my own fking sentence. sorry for my bad english and fuck you webnovel.
for me it is not worth it because im even looking for raw to read :-:
There nothing to read when you guy locked everything for SS :-:
just go read at other site it better then those greedy fucker!!
- Edited
Mahesvara007 i Found it when i can read all my novel without spending any SS GOOD ON ME and bye webnovel i will come check now and then for if your going to fix the price or not :D