LastError It is a terrible price point that is a double loser. It reduces money from the whales and it vastly reduces the audience as well.

Price points for ebook subscription services have an established ceiling of $9.99 for a vastly superior service. An extremely high, but supportable, price point for a niche service like this is $4.99; given the quality and quantity of books (both of which are low), $25/yr is more reasonable. If they are making tons of money off of whales, then moving to a subscription service is a terrible idea.

    Hm~ so a subscription does exists; I just have to update the app. Ok, good to know.

    The $25 does seem high right off the bat, but I suppose people can subscribe only once monthly when they're not busy and then binge..

    Just like another similar topic, $1 is about 5 chapters. So $25 of SS regularly equates to 125 chapters. Reading as a "free" user, you get about 20-ish SS a day, so that's 60 chapters a month.

    In other words, $25 seems a premium for getting about double of what you can already read for free. But again, if you're reading well over 125, say 200+, then it is indeed technically worth it.

    You make a good point about reducing from whales and deterring free readers.

    In that case, it would a win-win situation if Webnovel were to make a survey about desired price points in order to capitalize their revenue.

      Chryiss they already did.

      I forgot the exact question but they asked how much do you spend in online reading within the last few months in the last survey or something to that effect.

        Hmm, I haven't come across that survey yet, but it's good they did that. I'm surprised that it would yield $25 an optimal amount however. Perhaps, because it's spend rather than how much would you spend.

          Hi.. I paid my elite membership yesterday. It said 24 hours. Y until now I can't see any notification that my membership is activated? Pls enlighten me. Thanks

            I'm a student,
            I'm an avid reader,
            everyday i read on this website.
            But for the subscription price, it is a little bit much for me, moreover if i converted it to my currency, it is pricy.
            I sometimes i buy ss, but for i am right now I don't think it's worth it to subs due to several reasons. I don't have that much money to burn each month. Many of my favorite novels stopped updating.
            Though maybe you "whale" have money to burn why not.. For me, i think sooner or later i will lose interest to this website and delete it altogether. I can survive not readingthe uncompleted stories. Amd that way maybe i don't need to waste money on this kind of uncertain ending novels.

            Even though, i said all those things, i hope they can lower the price to let us who does not have money to burn or on a budget can afford it too..

            That's my two cents, just want to rants..

              Chryiss that was the 20 ss survey. A lot of those questions were related to how much you read online and spend for it.

              The question was how much you spend in TOTAL, but we would never know its true intent because that survey had terrible English.

              Kheuen Glad to see I am not the only. i have contact customer service but they have not gotten back to me.

                The price is prohibitive. Instead of reading it on the app people will flock the websites that repost the translated works here.

                For a little bit of effort and inconvenience you still get to read them anyway. The only thing not yet on these sites are the originals.

                But if the price was lower, the convenience of having an app shines through.

                After lowering the price, you can have 2 prices for elite members. Say 4.99 for translated works 7.99 for translated works and originals.

                Then you can give discounted ss prices for those on subscription so they can provide additional support for original works through gifts.

                garethgg Because it's been answered multiple times and explained in the original post. Only Android users as of now can buy the subscription via the beta app apk. When it's released for all others, they'll post it.

                I guess I'm considered a "whale" without realizing it... I spend on average $50 every 30-45 days to keep up with all of the novels I am reading as I am a fast reader. I love it. I think it is a good price point. With good reason. You can tell they did market research before picking this price point.

                Real world e-book pricing you are looking at:
                · SHORTS: Works under 20,000 words will be referred to as shorts. They will sell for 99 cents.
                · MID-LENGTHS: Works between 20,000 and 39,999 words will be referred to as Mid-Lengths(Mids). They will sell for $2.99.
                · FULLS: Works with word counts of 40,000 or greater will be referred to as Fulls, or full-length works. The minimum price for a Full will be $3.99. Fulls can sell for any price above this minimum pricing floor that the author deems appropriate (I have Fulls that sell just fine at $5.99 and above). But no full should ever dip below the floor price.

                Now as an example:

                Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband the completed version is 2165 chapters. Chapter cost varried between 3-4 spirit stones it is 200 words per stone. So lets do REALLY rough math... lets say half of the chapters were 3 stones and half (+1 odd one to make it easier to divide) were 4 stones. 1082 chapters @3stones = 649,200 words. 1083 chapters @4 stones = 886,400 words.

                That is a total of 1,515,600 words. Just think about that for a sec.

                Now according to market research on pricing. At Fulls pricing it would be 38 books.
                That is $151.62 @ $3.99 to $227.62 @ $5.99. Averaged out you are looking at $189.62 for the entire series.

                You did not pay that much for the series and you enjoyed it... Why are you griping....

                ESPECIALLY considering that the new price point of $25/month which if you look at the maths on the following post:


                It covers roughly 300,000 words a month which is approximately 1,500 Spirit Stones. I know I read more than that... Sometimes in a binge night. So it really isn't over priced at all.

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