Thanks a lot for the tips. I do share the problem too.
Need Help With Writing Speed
Sapphire_963 It's alright. Every new writer faces this kind of challenges in the beginning. You can do it.
DaddyFishGotBigPp same here, fishy. i can barely write a single chapter a week. cries
StenDuring I need better time management for work and rest. Thanks!
Lady_Liah Thank you so much! Really, I got many complex things straight with your tips. I think it will help me in the long run too. Once again, thanks!
Newbie here as well. The first time I tried writing a story since I have strong inspiration, it went well at first, I was able to write four chapters in a day... After that my enthusiasm faded a lot. It's quite hard. For me, the greatest challenge is to always find the mood to write. Because if I am in the mood, ideas just seem to rush into my mind. Maybe that's what inspiration is. If I'm not in the mood or don't have inspiration, days will pass with my notepad empty. Haha.
At least you can write a chapter...
This Fish is stuck at the first chapter for more than 2 months...
Same here. I get my inspirations from dreaming though. Once the ball started rolling, I can't stop writing....>3</
Don't worry fishy, I spent seven years not being able to write till now. Just find a good time to start and keep writing. >3</
The best cure for this is an outline.
When I was in college, I used to start writing stories and give up after reaching a certain point. I call this a Burn Out; meaning you had so much drive to do it, and you did it so fast that the fire inside just burned itself out. Writing is like dating, you plan your approach when you ask for a date, you make effort to show your love, and then you continue to do it every day.
Like love, writing needs passion to start, but unlike love, it needs careful and detailed planning to reach the end. Like love, writing needs effort to finish, but unlike love, you control everything.
So plan as much as you can. Write the first chapter if your hands are truly itching to do so, then plan the next ten chapters. Write chapter 2, then plan another ten chapters ahead.
Now that I’ve written almost 40 unfinished long novels, and have only finished 2 of them (still not shared) and writing the third currently, I realized how important it is to see the end before making the beginning. Outline; a writer’s husband.
Have a wonderful day!
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Lady_Liah has some really good advice, and once you do know what you want to write for the chapter, there are some tricks you can do to speed up the process of physically writing/typing (as in you have a scene in your mind but can't get the words down).
I will start by saying that I have a problem of re-reading my previous sentences during the writing process (at least fifteen times for every sentence). This actually takes me out of the gear of writing and into the gear of editing because I also always fiddle with them. This slows my writing process a lot. It is also superfluous because when I read my stuff the following day, I'm going to change it anyhow. So, what to do?
Write and let those ugly first sentences stay for a while. Once you have written what you had wanted to write, proofread it to make sure you wrote down what you meant to say (sometimes I accidentally leave out an important word, which might be my unique typing problem). Then, take a break, or better yet, come back to it another day (the longer the better). With fresh eyes, edit.
This has helped me tremendously (idk if this will work for you since it's under the assumption you edit as you write).
Here's an exercise that might help:
First close your eyes then start typing. Type whatever words come to your mind when you are forming your scenes and sentences. If you make spelling mistakes, that's ok. It's still understandable. If you write half a sentence then forget what you write, just enter some blank spaces and begin the next (or same) sentence starting with a capital letter. Later you can clear up the mistakes. If you find yourself opening your eyes to read the sentences, you can also cover the screen/monitor with a piece of paper or light fabric. If you forget your place in the scene, peeking to jog your memory is perfectly fine.
Then edit the crap out of it so that it's understandable. Remove the parts you don't like, expand on the ones you love (or make a note of what you want to expand on), and shuffle the sentence/scene orderings so that it roughly flows properly.
The result should be a rough draft in need of actual editing (for another day or after a long break)
For me, this doubles the speed at which I write/type, but at the sacrifice of making the initial editing take more time (by initial editing, I mean the editing that creates a first draft, not the editing to polish the first draft).
FYI: I don't do this all the time. I mainly do it to stop myself from re-reading previous sentences when I discover myself slipping back into my old habit. I also find it pretty mentally draining once I go for a while. I think the longest I have ever done it for was about two to three hours (this was without break; also my actual attention span is ridiculously long so I don't expect any sane, normal person to go longer than an hour).
i have an outline. scenes i want to have. but i can't still write. i have a bit of problem with transitions specially that i want it to look logical
Transitions between scenes or between sentences? For scene transitions, maybe you could somehow incorporate your plot device, whatever it may be. If it's two scenes that take place at two different locations, you could try putting a break bar (or whatever it's called) then just begin at that new location (this is under the assumption that the characters have a reason to be/go at this new location).
For sentence transitions, I don't really know how to explain how to make sentences/words flow because it's more of a style/syntax thing (and I'm a native speaker, so it comes somewhat naturally to me). I would recommend reading a good quality book and get a feel for how words flow (such as Harry Potter), but you might not want to go to too old of books unless you want to write in that style (Pride and Prejudice). And to double check if the sentences do flow, you can read them out loud and see if it works (you could also try recording them then replaying it).
Also, keep in mind that if you use certain transition words, it makes the stories sound too much like a textbook (firstly, secondly, finally, additionally, moreover, although, however, consequently etc...).
Maybe others have better tips?
You can also try to brute force it through practice, practice, practice; and you'll eventually get the hang of it and become quicker tying everything together.
90751052 Aye, I experienced that sometimes, and it's quite cool. XD
Lady_Liah I love your advice, humorous but very substantial. Thank you so much. I'll make sure to bookmark this thread so that I can read your replies when I get stuck in writing again.
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If anyone is missing inspiration, there's a lot of things you can do. For example, take a break from writing, have a good dream, and eat something tasty. You can do something different in your life like talk to someone you usually don't talk to, read different genres, watch a movie, listen to good music, or even write backward or something.
Otherwise, try a different form of art. Like how a painter I know had to do pottery for a class or learn a new skill such as the piano or how to use a gun. Personally, I'm taking a break from drawing digitally through writing and now I have a bunch of characters with personalities I can draw and vise versa. Sometimes hard repetitive practice won't help and in those times, you need a break and change your perspective on life.
The main point is, be inspired, influenced, and interested. >3</
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I f***ing wasted three or four years to write Warrior of God, which is the starting point for Divine Series.
Now, I'm jumping to my death in Tales of Three Realms.
Here's a tip or two:
- Have you tried to imagine your plots and scenes as a movie show? It works, just describe what you 'see'.
- Go to Google Doc or Words, write there with Comic Sans font. I don't use this one, since writing in my phone is much easier.
- Maybe you don't need to wait until the scenes or plots you want to write. Just write, then link all the incidents into a string of plot.
- Your character, give them a dice to roll out their lucks. Again, I don't use this.
Hope this helps.
Please check also my novel, it's The Tales of Three Realms