Hi, I completed all the reading goals last week as well as the “fire bullet tag”, “post a review”, “add a story”, etc goals last week but the SS never appeared on my account.
Can you please fix?
Also, how do I complete my profile? I’ve been stuck at 90% forever.
Thank you.
Important update for Webnovel!
enthu_reader every translation turns premium after a certain number of chapters....those number of chapters differ from book to book....
Webnoveldeveloper I had a doubt regarding the elite membership offer. It says 3 day trial.. what exactly does it mean? I pay for a month's amount and can enjoy the benefits only for 3 days? I am a little confused. Could you please help? I was about to subscribe but then read this condition. Once I am clear about the terms and conditions of the discounted subscription pack I will go ahead and activate it. Please help. Thanks.
Can you please apply my elite
I me how u are trying to advance the platform but this is just money hungry. I have seen people complain about how they now have to pay for free novels bit I have no problem with that, the author should be rewarded for their work. However to complete all of the challenges you are forced to pay money and I don't like that, I wanna complete them all. Additionally the icon to say you still have challenges in the bottom right is just to remind u to spend. I would like to have a way to toggle this off and go back to the old format. Furthermore whenever you are on the status screen there is a 'join elite membership' button which is right in your face and I dislike this because, frankly, I'm not paying to read. I would also like this togglable as well as getting back our free sneak preview so we can determine whether a chapter has been skipped or not without having to pay for 5 chapters when you want one. Thanks for reading this and I hope you seriously consider this.
I am not receiving the bonus ss from the new system. It's been quite a few days already
FlyingApple1234 I really hope that will happen cause I really have a problem how can I do just so I can finish the novel I read.farther more I don't have enough money to buy load wallet
I dont know if its just me (maybe my internet connection) or the new update, i have problem to open the app. Sure i can open my library and read books but when i open the 'earn reward', its just stop. I mean the app close itself. Its annoy me when i want to read but need to open the app tens of times because its close itself. Its happen too when i want choose anything beside my library. Can anyone help solve this? I cant change my languange,too. Im more comfortable with english but when i update the app it changes to bahasa (even thought i understand what it means but its not what i used to)
Webnoveldeveloper Not sure if asked before, but does it not count reading time if read from computer? Only count read time from the app?
enthu_reader yes why?
so anyone actually got the elite premium working cause i sure dint
Order GPA.3336-2407-9500-88302
order date 2-15-19
moonlitnight count from apps
@Webnoveldeveloper @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL can you guys help me with my account? I already paid the élite membership three days ago this is the order number:GPA.3361-1921-2322-68582
FireGolem it is ok,plz check