keerthuKrish sorry to ask, are you android/ios user? have you download latest version 3.4 in google play/apple apps store?

cause if for android, once you tap on that "Earn Reward" it will link directly to Mission: Possible". not sure for ios user.

    jumpgurl yeah mine is 90% too and J can write anything else, now what ?????? If we don't complete it we don't get the ss but THERE IS NO WAY TO COMPLETE IT !!!!!! It's that a BUG??.

      Mariamario just suggestion (not sure it will succeed or not to you). try to change gender/location, then tag as many as reading preference, then type anything about yourself. after that restart.

        are there going to be different level subscriptions? $25 is a bit much for me as there's only a few novels I'm interested in. thanks and sorry if this was asked before.

        Bosy_Elselhdar I think Webnovel should pay more attention to what's published under 'Fanfiction' or 'Original'. Someone is doing the same thing to "Long Live Summons". It's like Webnovel don't even bother to find what's being published on their own site. How can Webnovel complain about piracy when they are allowing it to happen here?

        Wait, so the daily check-in now has a chance to give 0 ss?
        I assumed it was the same as before ~5-15, but I just checked in for the day and only received EXP and no ss.

          keerthuKrish you might have to check the play store if you have the latest version of webnovel app.

            Hei_Da_Wu Yeah! I had that happen too with the power stones, but I clicked ok so fast that I thought maybe I was mistaken... Or that they had been given to me for something else.
            :/ ?

            I can't buy SS and don't know how to upload the picture.

              Pizz I have the same problem. But it seems that they don’t want to pay attention to it. So that’s why I’m not keen on buying stones. What’s the use? Feels like fraud.

              Pizz I have the same problem. But it seems that they don’t want to pay attention to it. So that’s why I’m not keen on buying stones. What’s the use? Feels like fraud.

                @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Webnoveldeveloper @[deleted]

                This is un acceptable i like many others have purchased your elite membership. however, almost 48 hours have passed and i still have not had my membership activated. I have posted several times in this forum seeking aid and i have not heard anything back. A lack of an offical channel for this problem is vexing for me and others like me please respond.

                I will post the requested information below in case you have yet to veiw it.

                Thank you.
                You have subscribed to Elite Membership - Discount (Webnovel) on Google Play. You will be charged an introductory price of $12.49 for 1 month. Starting Mar 3, 2019 you will be automatically charged $24.99/month unless you cancel. Learn more.

                Order number: GPA.3322-4725-0403-10290
                Order date: Feb 3, 2019 1:19:23 PM MST
                Item Price
                Elite Membership - Discount (Webnovel) $12.49

                Monthly Subscription ‐ Auto Renews on Mar 3, 2019

                  Immortal_Goddess well I did get an email about it, but ofc new year started so, I don't think anyone will be about to answer the one I sent back until its over but it is fraud almost and I will report it I'm too long in the tooth for this rubbish as I pointed out I'm not some wide-eyed like kid I only read a few things ....and due to my job ..
                  i've noted everything it due to using my pc to unlock chapters

                  25 dollars? LMAO! Also, locking chapters? No daily SS? Bye.

                    Webnoveldeveloper I have contacted support but have received no feedback. New year's "faults" I guess
                    Here's my transaction code
                    s there any chance of having the SS spent on chapters refunded as well?

                      By the way, all remember its Chinese new years
                      The year of the Pig,
                      so like myself still waiting for an email reply,
                      I don't think anyone will get any fast answers this week at all
                      pity unlike 99& of normal companies they would post their working times due to holidays
                      but not telling your readers/customers basic things before they happen seems to be the only constant
                      QI can manage to do 100% of the time

                      Ramtros read my post, I don't think anyone is in due to the new year,

                        Web Novel Novel Ask