MajestyGloxinia Do mine, I'll do yours.
The link is in the first post, scroll up to see.
MajestyGloxinia Do mine, I'll do yours.
The link is in the first post, scroll up to see.
Chryiss i am gonna start your now then too
This nine thing sounds complicated. @.@
I second that feeling of a long ways to go. I’ll swap~
Cool, I should be done after I come home.
Paper_Crane Pick a synopsis? How?
Chryiss Done with your book. Keep up the good work.
Nightmare_Taichou Done with your book.
ArinzeArimah Going to read your book.
NatsumeRikka Just finished yours~ Good work too and keep it up! (:
NatsumeRikka Omg! Did I (Nightmare_Taichou) review your book? I don't remember if I did it or not...
90751052 Thank you! And that's fine. Take your time.
Chryiss Sure! I'd love to swap!
Nightmare_Taichou let's swap.
Paper_Crane Sure! Your story is now in my queue. Will get to it by Thursday.
Jamison_C Thanks! I'll get to your story by Thursday.
Chryiss Done reviewing yours! Wonderful read, quite envious of your writing style! Keep it up!
Nightmare_Taichou I think u didn't
NatsumeRikka I'm so sorry! I'll R&R tonight.
Maybe I should properly review your novels guys... Like, read it until the lastest chapter and things. But my lack of focus didn't let me do that. If I can edit the review, I'll read your books until the end and fixed the review. Unless you're satisfied by my previous reviews, that is.
Sorry for the ping.
I am fine either way, if my novel interest you enough to edit your review then please do so
If not, thats fine too >.>
Jamison_C how to edit a review....I don't know how...please help.