Wanna swap?
If so, heres my link! Where can I find yours?
Wanna swap?
If so, heres my link! Where can I find yours?
Just delete and write a new one? Haha, that is the extent of my knowledge for the review system.
Would you be interested in swapping reveiws, good sir?
Sure, for that good sir I will put in extra effort. KEK
Anyway you prefer just a posted review or a slightly more extended review here?
My review will be more technical this time round.
Title: Magic of Ages
Genre: Fantasy
Tags: System, transmigration, action etc..
Synopsis: When Izzy returned home, she realised that she was not alone. In her own home, Izzy is transported to another world, where science does not exist and magic rules the world.
To survive Izzy must learn to use her earthly knowledge to her advantage. Or be destroyed by the forces of this new world.
I recommend my novel because it is well-written and though it follows the transmigration and system trope it is done in a unique manner. The characters are quirky and fun. Most of all the world is immersive and expansive with a lot of story potential.
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/12776930906252005/Magic-of-Ages
Well, hoped for one on the novel.
Some guy chose to give me three 1 star reviews out of no where, and wished to improve the rating.
lets_get_this_rice Sure! I'll read yours and I'll post a review after!
Sweet! I have reviewed yours ;)
lets_get_this_rice Hey! Done reviewing! Great story btw, keep at it! The passion you have in you writing pours out clearly, and that's a great criteria for authors! I hope you improve more!
Thank you for the review!
Paper_Crane I'm already satisfied by your review! Thank you! If you want to edit it, that would be fine.
Paper_Crane I'm fine, but if my novel interests you that much, then go ahead and edit. If not, I'm still grateful that you took the time out to even read one chapter.
My answer is the same as the rest. If it interests you enough to make another review on the new chapters, go ahead. It’s up to you. (:
As for editing reviews, it’s not possible. However, you can reply to the review as well as deleting and and making a new one.
Empty queue. Any swaptakers?
Chryiss Shameless reminder for swap review!
Here's the link of my book: https://m.webnovel.com/book/11940556306635105
StenDuring Alright, swaps.
The link is in the first post. Check it out
No worries, I’m actually reading on the train ride home. I just finished some other reviews before.
A fix then, in the reply. It'll take time tho..
For the others, maybe I need more time. Just ping if you want a swap (@)
All done~
Anyone I missed?
Paper_Crane In queue