I can see rebellion sect leading in some of the comment sections. .who will fight them?
Rebellion Sect Recruiting Members By yours truly
Cilliez yes yes gain the leadership of being a greater clan !
Pat my headquarters of the clan and the devil hunter's will be there I will leave the minor tasks for u all to handle ok , keep it up my Future clans depends on your leadership! I will support( supply )
U with the Sinners and the Avengers (pft) !
SomeMnlightSculptr what those are just my hunting grounds , tell and will *deal with them
Sorry, my loyalties lie with Iron man and Capt.
BeetleBarker good become my hunter
First recruit!
And vow to never Hunt Me down , do whatever u want to others idc
And what's ur initiation bribe......cough I mean Gift GIFT!
What is the rebellion sect even?
Jzrrztt_ yeah. .what is its mission?
SomeMnlightSculptr what are they rebelling against Is the real question
SomeMnlightSculptr and Jzrrztt_
U need a reason to Rebel?
What are we trouble makers for???
Aren't we all already rebelling on his recruitment thread !!!
It's less his than ours and other clans and theres miy future clan
CreampieKing ban this guy
IIXXII This Lord is never narcissistic! I only speak the truth! Most of the time... When it suits me...
the chosen disciple is here
greeting sect master!!!!!
lazyDaoist why?
ucoqid Because the name is slightly vulgar Squiddy..
Olivia Please... Don't make me say it... Ask a friend at school or something... It's related to the bees and the birds...
gorky Can't join already leading a sect ;)
lazyDaoist never
SomeMnlightSculptr Our mission at first was to differentiate between the f5 sect. Since I used to be called a f5 sect lackey when I first joined QI