• Events
  • Rebellion Sect Recruiting Members By yours truly

IIXXII pst that's not advertising that's interference u know like make it harder for the other sects
Anyways,thesesects are spourting out like weeds
Should I open some too?
Like lawfull😈
And then devil hunters
And then I will send my rangers to do the PROPER DEEDS
it will be fun I will protect (xpolit ) them
And then recruit there victims to as the devil hunters clan and offer fair(proper) buzziness deals with them
Sigh .........profits.....
Will u all join me ?
(CreampieKing By the way thanks for the threads for bringing together my future
associates at one place ,btw wanna join my clans?)


    But then if you're affiliated with them, while being affiliated with us, Snowman Clan, then does that therefore connect them with us, Snowman Clan?

    Thoughts thoughts.

    Well I'd be fine with it but the Clan is the one to decide ultamitely.

      I can see rebellion sect leading in some of the comment sections. .who will fight them?

        Cilliez yes yes gain the leadership of being a greater clan !
        Pat my headquarters of the 😈 clan and the devil hunter's will be there I will leave the minor tasks for u all to handle ok , keep it up my Future clans depends on your leadership! I will support( supply )
        U with the Sinners and the Avengers (pft) !

          BeetleBarker good become my 😈 hunter
          First recruit!
          And vow to never Hunt Me down , do whatever u want to others idc
          And what's ur initiation bribe......cough I mean Gift GIFT!

            Olivia Please... Don't make me say it... Ask a friend at school or something... It's related to the bees and the birds...

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