report all spoiler... and the translator of the story should have option of banning certain ppl from comment on their stuff.
this is not banning their acc but blocking their access to prevent abusing it

Doesn't matter to me either way. I dont read comments between chapters, i read the next chapter to find out what happens.

    just because your neighbor house on fire doesn't mean you shouldn't care about it!!!
    so what is your point of the comment?
    you know that spoiler doesn't only exist on novel right... that one day you watching a good movie and someone next to you decide to spoil it...!! (it karma)

      Overkill depends on how close my neighbor's house is to mine.... But seriously if there are spoilers ppl should be polite enough to give a warning.

        Then don't read the comments. Don't even bother glancing at the top comments and just proceed to the next chapter. Or your other option is to stop accessing platforms such as webnovel that allows people to comment. Spoilers in comments will always exist. You can't stop people from doing that. Enabling translators to ban people for commenting spoilers isn't right. It's like you are prohibiting people from speaking off their minds (yes, including spoilers). Comments section exist so fellow readers of a book could interact with each other and discuss the book itself (so yes spoilers is inevitable). It doesn't exist just for saying "hi" and "exp".

          bet2z you are right that stoping ppl from speaking is wrong but tell them to go speak somewhere else is fine if it is your properties. How do you feel if your neighbor parties and blasting music all day and night cause it their right!
          It your right only when it doesn't caused other ppl loss and spoiler cause readers to lose some of their experiences!
          The parties is only 1 example. What if they experiment with chemicals. Shooting. Burnings stuff!!!

          They shouldn't post the spoilers. But readers get carried away with their emotions and they just post what they have in heart. Maybe they don't know that they are posting spoilers. Though there is spoiler option they can use and it is up to others to click it and see...

            As stated, an excited reader might not even realize what they're doing when they comment. Maybe they've read ahead but then suddenly felt the need to comment on previous posts and completely lose track of where they are. It's not always best to immediately point them out for being a wad.

            I don't enjoy the malicious posting of spoilers, but not sure if I'd delete. I'd probably wait and see if others argued with them and tore them apart for my amusement.

            Overkill Lets not turn things into logical fallacies. A neighbor's house on fire (As you put it) is a life or death emergency. A comment on an online platform such as this website is not in the least bit comparable no matter how you twist it. One is supremely important, the other is the polar opposite. Unimportant.

              Am more annoyed by " FIRST !! " than any spoilers in comment sections. People who do that should be banned.
              On another note , Qidian should also stop incentivizing exp rewards for commenting , people who comment should only bother to do so because they are passionate about discussing the latest chapter.

              Having a ghost chapter comment section is better than having unrelated random comments .

              As for spoiler problem , there should be a hidden voting where people can vote a comment to be a spoiler , if a comment gets enough votes it can be hidden under a spoiler tag , it is upto readers wedr they want to get spoiled or not.

              I hate spoilers. If I want to read spoilers, I can look them up online.

              It'd be nice if Webnovel incorporated a spoiler option, so people who wanted to read the spoiler had the option to unspoil it while ruining the story for everyone else.

              7 days later
              8 days later
              23 days later

              I just want a way to not show the top three comments. It ruins the binging experience when I find a new novel to read and really annoys me when I get spoiled

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