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  • Show you guys something that our technical team achieved in past few month

Really appreciate the efforts and hard works. Good job! Thank you for making it easier for readers to access the website :)

    former developer, now a software quality engineer ... great explaination guys!!

      i really like Chinese literature. i hope China gets liberated sometime in my lifetime, i would love to see it free from its tyrannical regime. nice app too!

        Hmmm strangely enough I don't actually like when the page shows up like that from google search. It actually pisses me off because then I have to click on the side for it to load the full page and on android when I click my back button it somehow makes google go back also....yeah not a fan.

        But good job on setting a goal and achieving it. Optimization is a good thing I guess.

          a month later

          Well done, please support that webnovel

            Super interesting and the development team has done a great job. On the other hand as a developer I was thinking how most of your pages shouldn't require too much js, considering it is mainly text and styling. Then I was reminded of how blood stones are being mined with every click of a premium chapter and ad videos being downloaded and saved on our devices. But good job.

              Congratulation on your team,
              More power and blessings on your company :D

                I wanna congratulate all of your co member and your company, Nice job

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