Very few people give legitimate reviews of novels. They instead treat it as a comment section to either encourage you or insult you(or your work). As a new author, you need to come to terms with the fact that the rating of your novel here will never properly reflect the true quality of your novel. (which may be lower, or higher than its current given rating).

Whether you write for yourself, or write for the masses, learn to ignore the reviews that deserve to be ignored, and take into considering those that give valid, constructive feedback about your novel. The "Good job, keep up the good work!" reviews are just as invalid as the "Your novel sux!" reviews.

Everyone is aware that the review and rating systems here are broken and do not serve the purpose they were intended for, but are instead used to grief one another. It is the way of the internet, and QI will not care as long as they continue to get money from people here.

DabanCrow Write for yourself. Write your passion. Enjoy your story. Write your story to enjoy or to give yourself pleasure. Once you enjoyed what you are doing, you stop caring for others! Once you stop caring for others, that is the time nothing or anything can affect you and your writing. Master your emotion, master your inner self.

In the world of writing you are the God of your universe! Because you are the author. Do not let anything destroy your self worth. Do not let anything tamper your enthusiasm in writing. Keep going!

Ignore the ratings! If your story is good it will show up on top sooner or later, no matter how many trolls were trying to bring you down your story will prevail. Stay strong!

    Lizabelle88 well said enjoy it hopefully a few ppl will as well. However ppl that review should try to be as objective and honest in reviews as possible. If the novel has weak points they should expose them without worrying about being overly critical. BE CRITICAL! That's the purpose of a review. Just don't be a jerk for the sake of being a jerk.

    DabanCrow I think the review-swap -system we set up here worked pretty well. Not all reviews were friendly, but at least I got exactly the negative feedback I desperately needed to clean out a little piece of readership dealbreaker very early in my story.

    Most importantly, the clear majority of those swaps resulted in reviews to one extent or another rather than: "Hey bingo -- cool dude! Keep up the work!" -insanities.

    I prefer reading the reviews written on Novel Updates. Those reviews and ratings tend to be more accurate and honest. Whenever I try to look for reviews on Webnovel, I get a headache because of all the useless commentary. People will literally write things like "it's good" or "waste of time" and let that be the review. This is completely unhelpful for me as a potential reader. It's also easy to find ratings that are inflated or deflated since Novel Updates breaks down the percentage and number of people who gave a rating for a series. For example:

    Rating(4.4 / 5.0, 183 votes)
    5 74% (136 votes)
    4 11% (20 votes)
    3 6% (11 votes)
    2 2% (4 votes)
    1 7% (12 votes)

    This is from one series I have bookmarked on Novel Updates. In this case, the voting is pretty evenly distributed, so it's likely a decent series. There are also some series that I've seen that have low ratings, but most of those are from a massive amount of one-star votes while all of the other votes are for five stars. In those cases, it's clear that a subgroup of people are bullying and targeting that series, so the true rating should be much higher.

    I think it would be useful if Webnovel made changes to reflect the proportion of votes and also did some reviewing for comments and updates. I'm not sure why the reviews on here are so lacking compared to Novel Updates, but this should be looked into.

    Wait a minute! One account can have more than one review active on one story??????

    Ahahahahah, that's ¤&%/%(/& hilarious! That's an unbelivable new lowscore in system feature ineptidude.

    I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. I haven't seen anything this bad since I heard a grade schooler trying to explain the Internet around 1998. Hysterical! Coughing in a laughing fit of misery.

      Interesting. Being allowed to post more than one review to a single book? That's easily one of the more idiotic things ever I've heard.

        I'll see if reporting the idiocy the OP refers to for breaching the ToS works. "I dislike this" is one thing. Breaking the ToS is another.

          DabanCrow Well you'll be glad that either the author of those said reviews deleted them by itself, or your probable "report user" worked. Because, I can find a review with 1 star a day ago but not 3, so yeah, congratulations. Can't really know if the complaint was fair or not, albeit with a major usage of majuscules, and since you are dealing with fan-fic, well, angering a fervent supporter of the Original Work could have been expected. And two additionals a week ago, but it was from a troll that hates fan-fic like seriously, look at its historic, 1 star for every Naruto available.
          Your point stays valid for the majority of authors, who often found as many hateful comments than grateful (and equally useless) ones. For a beginner, they can even stop right into its track the said author, making it giving up what could have been great work. But it's the Internet, what is important about one hateful comment?
          And also, well, when you received multiple reviews of Ch0 giving you 5 stars, there wasn't any comment. But the moment someone truly read your story, not talking about a random Ch0 spamming 1 star, talking about someone that actually read something (too little, but 4 chapters are already good for a troll), and complain, with two reviews, you stop being silent. Call me toxic if you want, but was that thread really a necessity for you to paint yourself that pitifully?

            Innovation I have given one story a full one star review. It popped up on daily updates with zero chapters and zero word content. However, even in that case I gave a reason for each and every of those stars. You know, zero chapters counts as unstable updates, the 100% absence of words diasqualified the writing, and so on and so forth.

            Anyway, three 'turd'-reviews at one star each given during the same minute as the reviewer 'reviewed' another story made me suspect that the reviewer just might have skipped on the reading part before applying the reviewing part...

              Some even only post emoticon like 💩.. then give it 1 star.. or post "............" then give it 5 star.. then copy paste it a couple of time.. ahahahaha..

                The worst goes for those who spam 5 star reviews. This novel is the worst I have seen it and it is done by the author's "friends", which are just accounts created for this exact purpose.


                There needs to be staff action/punishments on this kind of thing, as it is absolutely atrocious. As an author, I would tell anyone spamming reviews on my novels to kindly not, no matter if they were 1 star or 5 star spam. It destroys the scoring evaluation and is misleading to all the readers.


                Edit: A quick count.
                Godslamb has left 42 five star spam reviews, and this is just one of these account.

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