Yuren_Liu Any future possibility on a filter for stories, namely Originals, by number of chapters or reviews? Or something which would decrease the amount of time searching the crannies of the New Originals for actual good stories that aren't dropped, 1 chaptered, or have zero reviews (another possible indication of a story going nowhere). I'm not talking about the "Chapters" or "Ratings" search section, I mean a filter for the "New" Originals section.
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it... Just more filtering options even just for Female or Male lead would be nice. Or make tags more useable/searchable? Throwing out ideas here~ The other search sections bring up the same stories basically every day, so the only way to find good books without poring through the forums is through the New Originals section. But even then those stories are ordered by the time uploaded, so most of the stories shown first will literally have less than 10 chapters anyway....
Ugh so many difficulties as a reader! 😂