LuoYeYouLing Here is your cover re-do. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any small modifications.

Please notify if you'll be using it or not.

I tried to find images without glasses but could not find one, though I managed to add the wavy hair. I hope it is fine. :smile:

    Wow the art work is really amazing. I like the font and the background and over all theme. I just have a few requests.
    1. Can I have a space between Niharika and Bhol.
    Like --- NIHARIKA BHOL
    Sorry my username is very confusing :(

    1. The characters are based in USA. So is it possible to have them looking like this but with a sad FL.
      ( A sample )

    The way you have shown the characters is totally perfect. Just wanted them to look as per the story.

    Sorry if I am sounding very demanding 😢😢😢

    P.S. I love the effect cherry blossoms are giving. Superlike 😍😍😍

      niharikabhol Your first request is possible to do and I will do that for sure. However, finding USA based character images is very difficult and maybe not even possible, as this character artwork is predominant in China and Asian countries. Plus, the Chinese feel gives it a very premium look as most novels here are Chinese. Hope you'll understand. :sweat:

        @DivineDemonLord Here is your cover. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any modifications.

        Please notify if you'll be using it or not.

          niharikabhol #278880 Here is your cover with the change of name. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any modifications.

          Please notify if you'll be using it or not.

            Copy_Paste_Ninja I think you're going to be ignored.
            If I'm not mistaken all requests before April 2nd will not be considered. The previous posts you see about covers are before they put the next time they'll be open. There's a pending list on the original post and those are the people who are going to get a cover between now and April 2nd.

            @PoppyQueen please let me know if this is correct or not. If it is not then I apologize to @Copy_Paste_Ninja

              Yuyumamoru Thanks a lot for the clarification and yeah, these ppl had already requested before in other threads so I invited them here.

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