niharikabhol Your first request is possible to do and I will do that for sure. However, finding USA based character images is very difficult and maybe not even possible, as this character artwork is predominant in China and Asian countries. Plus, the Chinese feel gives it a very premium look as most novels here are Chinese. Hope you'll understand. :sweat:

    @DivineDemonLord Here is your cover. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any modifications.

    Please notify if you'll be using it or not.

      niharikabhol #278880 Here is your cover with the change of name. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any modifications.

      Please notify if you'll be using it or not.

        Copy_Paste_Ninja I think you're going to be ignored.
        If I'm not mistaken all requests before April 2nd will not be considered. The previous posts you see about covers are before they put the next time they'll be open. There's a pending list on the original post and those are the people who are going to get a cover between now and April 2nd.

        @PoppyQueen please let me know if this is correct or not. If it is not then I apologize to @Copy_Paste_Ninja

          Yuyumamoru Thanks a lot for the clarification and yeah, these ppl had already requested before in other threads so I invited them here.

            Hey !! Can you help me with a cover too? I have filled the form


            Kingston royal school
            A place where every teenager wants to go .

            Except LIA XI
            "lia congrats! you are selected for a full scholarship at Kingston's !!!"
            Her life turned 360• when she got a lifetime offer to study at a place where getting an entry was like climbing Mt Everest .

            Every rich heiresses and scholarship girl had an only goal to attend the royal school that was

            MIKE LONG

            Meet the ruthless arrogant and a Playboy who had no feelings and a dark past . Also known as most handsome teenager.

            UNTIL THAT TIME

            "Bro why you always bully lia ?? she had not done anything towards you then why hard feelings??"
            "Because she is mine to bully no one else"

            what happen when......

            The ruthless boy fight for a ruthless girl ???

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