Title:Undetermined fate
Author name:lovehalsey
Link to my story:https://www.webnovel.com/book/12914500806000105/undetermined-fate
Specific request:I want the female lead only on the cover.The female lead must have strong profile and her looking far into distance.But i want it to be sad theme.
I won't be using this service, but I just wanted to stop in, like your post, and say thanks for offering a kind service to users and writers in need.
I really like the look of that 'Forbidden Love' cover you made, I'd love to know what fonts you used throughout it. :D
JVenior Thanks a lot for stopping by. The fonts I used were:
1) Subtitle: Jura
2)Title: Titania
3) Author Name: Liberation
LuoYeYouLing @DivineDemonLord If you don't want the covers, please notify me beforehand. If you don't respond now, I am really sorry but I will put it up as a premade. :sweat_smile:
PoppyQueen Hi, Poppy. Sorry, I'm not always on the forum. The cover that you make look great but the characters are not really what I'm looking for. Thanks for your help though. <3
Only after 2nd April, as per the rules.
LuoYeYouLing It's perfectly alright! Thank you for responding.
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OMG!! I really like how this one turned out.
Take_the_Moon Here is your cover. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any small modifications.
Please notify if you'll be using it or not.
PoppyQueen has become our CoverQueen :star2:
Nice work!
Veronica8 OMG!! I love that title. Should I make it my official username? :laughing:
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@sylvia Here is your cover. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any small modifications.
Please notify if you'll be using it or not.
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FallacyPage Here is your cover. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any small modifications.
Please notify if you'll be using it or not.
PoppyQueen Thank you for accepting
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lovehalsey Here is your cover. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any small modifications. I made 2 since I had two ideas.
Please notify if you'll be using it or not.
Random question but Is it some Korean person in your profile pic? He seems familiar.
I haven't started the story yet and there's no link should I still request?
JoannaAngel05 Yes. You can place your request.
_White Here is your cover. Hope you'll like it. Feel free to suggest any small modifications. I made 2 since I had two ideas.
Please notify if you'll be using it or not.
@PoppyQueen I would like to know if my request is still valid since mine was skipped, or are you still working on it? Is my request still needs time to make? Or am I going to get it in April 2nd? I think I misunderstood something. Thank you! I just need a reply, no need to worry about and take your time.