Do not review swap outside of monthly thread.
hand raise Kojou5 PoppyQueen Sapphirechelsea237 WoolfWrites
I'll be queuing your stories and leave a review.
Here is mine.
Title: Destiny Forged
Just @me if you wanna swap reviews. :smirk:
I'm game, will start from the bottom of the thread and work up.
Ayaka_Scarlett What is this fanfiction for?
Ahh I want to share my bts fanfic I'm currently writing.. But how do you copy a link?
PoppyQueen Hey Poppy !!! I will surely review yours. People do review her book. She is an amazing artist so I am pretty sure her book would be amazing too.
You can review mine if you have time. No pressure though.
If anyone has bandwidth to accommodate my novel then please let me know. I will give a genuine review as well.
My book-
Message me if you are doing mine. I will surely do yours.
niharikabhol That's so kind of you!
WoolfWrites just did yours me pls......
No problem! I will do yours! :D
Me too!
Here' mine-
Thanks! :)
I will do yours!
Here' mine-
Thanks! :)
_Haze_ Going to do yours right now, here's mine:
@Sapphirechelsea237 Since there were only 6 chapters, it didn't take long to read. Already posted a review.
SunScar9 I've done yours. The story is actually good.