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i didn't think you get an answer as I got a readable tl of my post yesterday ..qi is a little screw in China at the sec ..so we may not get any answers until this is fixed and we could lose novels be warned

House of IT, 21st May: The Office of the Central Cyberspace Commission has issued a warning yesterday to Qidian of the Yuewen Group for the site's content of mature and other unwanted contents. A directive was issued for Qidian to review its site for contents that are in violation of the Commission's war against pornographic and illegal content. The "City"(I have no idea and no interest in finding out what the actual term for this genre is), "Supernatural", "Shoujo" and "N次元"(again, no idea and no interest in finding out) sections will be disabled for 7 days during the review (From 3pm 21/5/2019 to 3pm 28/5/2019)

one that they didn't tl was about BL novels etc

    MrHugglez i wouldn't go that far, but they do have some odd ideas or ways of dealing with things, but qi is the same its like they upgraded the website in last 24hrs I logged in today to find I've lost all my comment history for the last 2 yrs, unlike a normal company they would warn you of a site upgrade or change but never once has qi done it , they treat their paying readers as basically sheep fleece for cash as fast as they can before this whole thing crashes ... I mean look at WW or vola, they can run websites warn you of changes, its not hard but were really not see as humans, we are just cash machines, as I've said before they have no clue how to run a site in a free market
    look at how bad gt has become after they sold 90% to qi , that sites gone to hell
    I mean we call to run with great novels one a cheap VIP and ad system

    Angko eh. At least 1 in 5 stories have some form of 18+ content. So this will really put a bind on maaaaany stories


    Whaatt? Does that count for WN as well and not just China?
    Government Corruption might be a typical trope but it is interesting to read... I don't really care about the other ones lol. What is DANMEI though?

      ThyUnknownSaint ofc as;lot of the novels like VM come from qidains main site so if gone from their i bet their keep tling the novels then just stop , as they can still make money but the novel depending on what happens my never get finished .. like I'm screwed as VM was taken off qi main site earlier but seems back up but all the readers comments have been removed still no reason why or release in the last few days and that totally unlike the writer as I read the raws then the tl here ... I can't say about other stuff as I don't know

      Angko when I know I'll say but I only read 3 novels here but the rules they've laid out are insane, this is the same as the insane video game rules last week .. like no blood you can use the word kill etc..and this is from the same dept that released those .. but i have some Chinese mates they let me know when it happened via a pm and then i got it backed up but 2 tl teams i know on twitter this morning , but its all up in the air but its insane, unless the writers can release outside china out, Chinese novels will have come pointless

        New gaming rules, really?
        Europe is far away from china. We don't get information about such rules.

        The problem is that chinese rules influence games, movies etc all over the world.
        All the bigger companies wants a share of one of the biggest market in the

          Angko no blood, you can't use the word kill, or in fact kill someone in game like pug with got changed to they wave at you when killed , and a few other things as well, the CNC put them out, as thiers a bit of a kickback from western gamers as if a AAA decided to make over copy of a game to make more money as they wish to break in to China they may just make to Chinese rules and force that on us so they can save money, a few people aren't happy

          Either way, I am still here, I can still post comments in the forum even after telling webnovel to go fuck themselves, so I am fairly certain that anything from this company is essentially one giant joke

          Can we take over the other posts as well?

            i was thinking the huawei affair was a charade from US side... not so sure now when i see how all that is treated and the last censure things... erf... i'm impressed negativly to see so blatantly shemes&actions from wn/chinese govt similar to what we can read on most novel.
            i appreciate the chinese historical culture, but i'm sure as hell not wanting to live there...
            well, going back to WN, chineses wn aren't the only source of reading, far from it and sure not reading some wn i 've began in the past sucks, but life is full of sucks things, murphy and all that...
            could the takers of decisions live very exciting times...

            well sofar and this from qi's own news page about 20 writers have been banned https://www.qidian.com/news/detail/422817457 the below is taken from the new post using google tl

            In addition, the following authors have created a ban on their accounts due to violations:


            Smoke Luozi Night Song




            Yang Sanhe

            Huo Hou

            Rain ink


            Run pen.QD

            Big fish in the rain

            360 degree pure love


            Extraordinary troubles

            M anise


            I am really wheat

            Fog Court

            Shake fish roe

            Huiming as the emperor

              Pizz what works have the authors done? Anything worth reading?

              • Pizz replied to this.

                Velsude haven't got a clue as its only listed like that on the qidain news page as is i posted it, I can only say you need to google them but I bet that if they been banned their info unless its a fan/ forum may have been nuked

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