• Qidian Official
  • 【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment

For reference look upto the system of WebComics. They use a coin and gem system . Important points are :
◆ u can earn coins every 5 minutes for the time u are using the app. Also every few weeks coins per online timespan of 5 min increases like initially it was 5 coins per 5 min, then after 2 weeks it increased to 10 coins per 5 min online.
◆ they also have option of specific period login in which if u visit the app during their specific period u get around 30+coins nd also they inform u about timing of next specific period.
◆ u can watch free ads of 15-30 sec duration and get 10+coins nd videos are refreshed every 10-15 minutes . So u can watch free ads multiple times a day with a minimum time gap of 10-15 minutes.
◆Even the check-in coin reward increases with time. For first two weeks i got 100-120 coins per day just for checking in , then it increased to 150-170 coins per day
◆ they also offer coins for inviting friends, promoting the app on other platforms like twitter , answering occasional surveys about reading experience of readers nd other special occasional offers.
◆u can unlock the chapters either by using ur coins , gems or watching free-ads
These are the facilities for non-premium members to earn free coins.
Even still if u want more coins , u can purchase them

    Just want to say that make a user friendly system which takes care of readers also

    I would rather hope for webcomics like sites to enter the novel bussiness (for which WebComics has already asked for opinions of readers in last survey) than hoping anything from WebNovel because:
    ◆ till now Webcomins has a stable update record nd each comic gets minimum one update per week unlike Webnovel(here)
    where u have to wait for few monts for 1 chapter of ur favourite comics
    ◆they (WebComics) also notify their readers about any upcoming actions in advance unlike Webnovel ( scarping off the elite membership system without prior notice)

    I do not mean to promote WebComics or any other app but to compare nd bring out the fact that webnovel needs a lot of reform in order to become a better nd reader friendly app.

    Ruyi26029741 while we can use Therese meetings to get free coins that doesn't change that I will need to unlock all the chapters I read fitting the division again before I can read where I am currently. If stopping the subscription was my choice I would understand having to reunlock the chapters as a non-elite member but this was not my choice. While I still have my subscription for a few more days I probably will be dropping most if not all of the books I am reading as I gifted quite a bit of the ss I collected over time stand now I need to spend what I have and more to catch back up to where I want to read in my few favorites.

    LuoYeYouLing I know it is but if options are to pay insane ammounts of money to read it or not read it at all then I will go to those places where it is pirated.

      I know webnovel is talking about drop in money going to the author but one thing they don't cover is we are technically "leasing" the chapter with subscription, if our subscription ends the chapter is gone(locked again), with ss we buy the chapters so even if I run out of all my ss, the old chapters that i bought for ss is visible to me. You can never get the same upfront money in leasing as buying. I think Webnovel is trying to get the same or better cash flow in leasing the chapters than buying, i don't know how that would work.

      Zatara That's a good way to implement premium membership. They should have followed this approach.

      yunisao That is so devious on part of Webnovel. It's s not surprising though. They don't really care about readers. All they are concerned with is maximizing profits, through any and all unscrupulous means.

      Since you keep deleting my posts that mention that your "authors" are money grubbing translators not authors I'll say this for my 21 students. Good riddance to webnovel the money grubbing translator site that can't get over itself.

        I'll say this for myself fuck you webnovel I hope you realize that you killed your only hopes at being anything other than a pathetic third rate app.

        yunisao Thanks for the suggestion. Will check out moboreader.

        I'm tired of Webnovel as well. Though I do not have an elite subscription, I bought many many secret stones and spent a huge amount of money to read up all the chapters in my favourite novel (Perfect Secret Love) and after I finally caught up, the novel stopped updating for about 2 months with no communication from Webnovel. It has resumed since, but the quality of translations has dropped a lot.

        Dynra And the title of this forum post by @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL should read they are cancelling subscription, as they have not mentioned any plans to modify existing subscription model. Why use sugar coated words?

        Chilatow they give the author part of the cut too not just the translator

          Looked at the end, and it was more that every chapter in the book we was reading was unlocked, and it not only those we had previously read.
          So it elite membership seems to have unlocked everything.
          While with SS we actually buy access to every single chapter we unlock.
          Some difference there in which I bet they figured they were loosing money on.
          Given I spent about 2000 minutes a week on their site reading.
          This past time.... I will miss it

          Decadence1 On a side note, you would be surprised by what you can find by googling the novel of your choice. No seriously, try it. Webnovel is working very hard on encouraging piracy. They can't blame you or anyone else for taking the door they shoved in your face.

            LouFeng1 Google is your friend :D
            I’m only staying to finish Trial Marriage and to support some original novels. Other than that I don’t plan to waste anymore $$ on webnovel. Not until they get their sh*t together.

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