Miss_Lazy Done

Your novel has immense potential, though I do understand you are having difficulties with the language. You could try Grammarly (free editing programme) - it's something I use as well to help. I have a huge problem with tenses and plurals. I can see how much you love writing so all the best!

    Nzoputa Thank you so much for your kind words. I just finished reading your book, it was truly wonderful, keep it up!

      Miss_Lazy I would love to read your story. Would you mind leaving me some feedback as well? links

        5 days later

        Nidalee Review done. Please do mine as well. Thank you.

        Like I said in my first post, you don't have to read all 100+ chapters. Just enough to get a feel of it. Thanks.

          IceSnowball Review done.

          It's a lovely chapter, but personally, would have preferred to review when there's at least 10 chapters. Feel it would be a fairer review. Nonetheless, I found that the chapter was very well written and there is great potential.

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