IceSnowball I left a review. what a book you have there, so well written. Can't wait to read more.
K_A_U Thank you:). I enjoyed your story too.
K_A_U how to write the story help please
K_A_U you can reply me
K_A_U Thanks for your time and effort.
I'm sorry for not being able to review your work it's solely because I don't want to wrong your novel as well as the readers as at the moment it's still early to say how the book is going to unfold..
I'll keep tabs and will review it when I feel it's appropriate.
Hope you'll understand.
Hi PeachyPearl,
Is it okay for you to read my story?
It's an entry for #63 and it's just one chapter.
It's called Fragility and here is the website:
I will read yours too.
Thank you.
IceSnowball sure I'll read it soon
PeachyPearl Thanks
- Edited
cloudgugu Hi Cloudgugu,
Would you like to do a review swap? :)
IceSnowball sure. Let's do it. here's the link to my novel
IceSnowball yours is the Fragility one right?
IceSnowball Done. Wow! Your writing style is simply superb... Wish I could do half of it
cloudgugu Yep. Thank you:)
PeachyPearl Thank you
I haven't read your story yet but I will read it as soon as I can.
PeachyPearl I finished writing my review for your story
IceSnowball thanks
IceSnowball review is up