cloudgugu I already started it somedays ago and just finished, so now I can leave a review. Actually already did. great book,

    PeachyPearl Hi left you a review, awesome book, need updates. Btw would you mind leaving me a review
    Also, if you leave a review, I'll reciprocate and leave one for you, just reply your link and tell me that your interested.


    Title: MAY.

    Synopsis: "May;" they call out her name.


    "May, come back;"

    "May, is it true your the daughter of..."


    May breathing heavily.



      K_A_U Thanks for your time and effort.
      I'm sorry for not being able to review your work it's solely because I don't want to wrong your novel as well as the readers as at the moment it's still early to say how the book is going to unfold..
      I'll keep tabs and will review it when I feel it's appropriate.
      Hope you'll understand.

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