Ooh. We scouting now. A spotters fee. Nice.

But, um, you know that Wattpad and Royal Road tend to attract the actually writer for free here (case in point). That is the majority that aren't on Paid.

Most of the paid contract stuff on Wattpad are locked into a set term. You might be lucky with those coming out of a contract. Since Wattpad only went paid a bout a year and bit ago, I suspect a lot of the high ranking stories, contracted, will still be on a contract.

Also, I suspect a lot of high read stories are being primed for Paid.

You have some stiff competition with incentives too. From what I gathered in Forums there and from WPNick, Wattpad contracts by terms and agreements. So, they are appealing to writers, since they are leasing a certain story for a set term under some fairly reasonable conditions. Edit: The lease continues on a contract too. But, according to WPNick, once the book has reached a required term, the author or WP can choose to opt out. This easy opt out feature is a big plus.

Unless you can offer a termed contract per book only, you're up against a wall.

...All I'm seeing is that they want to steal more novels over... What the point of voting for new novels?? So so many are unedited, unoriginal novels. Please don't drop your standards anymore seriously!!!

    BluebellBerry What the point of voting for new novels?? So so many are unedited, unoriginal novels.

    Wattpad, RR or here? It's all the same, but there's more dedication to quality at RR and Wattpad. I do agree that scouting out could be seen as a disrespect, to stories published here. Especially when a lot of quality originals are being overlooked because they haven't been discovered.

    I think a better solution is for WN to improve discovery. Look under your own hood. You'll find a lot of WP and RR are already here. I know two that are popular at WP that are here unread.

      I recommend "One Year" - from wattpad.
      This books is already completed though but nevertheless the story was one of the best chinese transmigration original novel I red.
      A really good one that brought joy and sadness altogether to readers. I hope I could see that amazing book in WN.

        SD2 Hmm. Well, they aren't contracted to WP, so maybe. I don't know if they would to be honest, since they have such a strong loyal fanbase over there. If the contract here was enticing, they might.

        Veronica8 Yep, I think you are right. I also feel like this move is disrespectful to the original authors especially when their number is ever increasing. I guess webnovel should have used other ways to get themselves known(to outside writers) better.

        that contract looks bogus, 50% royalty? that's taking away 50% of every earning you did or will do on your novel, literally on every earning, whether it's movies, books, comics, toys, advertisements.
        with 100 million+ views you get a contract of only $1000 and a bogus rip off of 50% royalty.

        you did be earning way more money with 100 million+ views.
        only clueless people will sign that contract or someone with desperate for money.
        but I don't think the person with 100million+ view would be broke, he would have already earned a decent amount of money with fans support and advertisement.

          Qidian should be clear about what type of Royalties they want.
          50% of advertisement revenue, for life
          50% of the book sale, for life or
          50% of all income, for life
          Royalty for life or there is a period?.

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