Hello, I just came back to this website after 2 yrs and I realized my lvl definitely went down.
If you look at my bio its Lvl 5. but when I check on mine its still blue and Lvl1. I used to get 3 spirit & power stone but it went back to 1.

- May 28, 2021
- Joined Dec 24, 2017
Tbh, I just read my absolute fav. novels here and go to other sites to read other stories for free, plus what they give are high quality translations of actually good novels compared to the numerous amateurs here with sub par quality. There's also that unreasonable prices per chapter.
whoo, ok, so 3 threads of same issue so far.
Yap, same.
Wow, practically everyone got one.
But what did they mean by participate???
How much participation? just voting? giving reviews? commenting? Or do you had to really write a story.
Cuz I participated (depending in the definition), just not wrote one.- In Men Vs Women