great_gamer review swipe, here's mine
Review My Novel, I'll Review Yours
Axicia_ I have reviewed "Re: Incarnation Death Match", it was great!
Daoist_Food Want to swap reviews?
Hyowha I have reviewed "Store of Fates System." Excellent novel!
@Prettynice22 Hello there! I have reviewed "Paying The Price", it was great!
hi Daoist Food, this is allmight 1994, I would be honred to review your book could you give me as much feedback as possible so I know how to make it better and I all ready know about the gammer I am more connecered about charter and world and any else to make the world good
your book is amazing I really like it
Prettynice22 HI author, done leaving a review to your awesome novel. Here's mine
Brandongould1994 what's your book?
NEidarous check out each other?
Daoist_Food review done, awesome write up
Xenovraise hey my book is Demonsong by Brandon gould
Hey this is Brandon just wanted to let you know that I put a review on your book. If you'd like you can put one on my book and tell me what to fix
Xenovraise hey I just put up a review on your book. So when you get a chance can you do a review on my book and if you want to get in contact with me my Twitter is @that_aspie if you would like to talk more about my book and stugg
Hey this is Brandon I can't seem to find your review of my novel on webnovel did you post it somewhere else
I just posted a review of your book. I do like it
This is Brandon I wrote Demonsong could you review it and I will review yours and could you tell. Me what to do better on it
Brandongould1994 done mate.
Yeah sure, Done yours :+1: