I'm pretty sure there are some people here who have contracts with WN, so I'll ask some questions and they'll hopefully be answered. I've also searched a bit and can't find that much info on making contracts with WN.
I've checked on the Help Center and the basic requirements are 50k words and consistency in quality & release rates.
Is there anything I need to take into account if I want to apply for a contract? For instance, the reviews that I get and it's popularity in the power ranking.
If it's not too much, may I ask those with contracts on their pay? This is a sensitive topic, but I just want to know the range of pay after getting a contract.
What other benefits can we get with the contract? Can we get editors to check our work before we publish them?
I've seen somewhere before that the basic requirement per month after making the contract is 100k words. Does this still apply?
Does the contract mention anything about getting a % commission from the SS that are used on your novel?
Thanks. Hopefully, these questions are answered.