JohnnyKbca Done, Great read. Will keep in my library and support when I can.

Don't forget to review mine.

    Title: The Life Of A Time Mage

    Sypnopsis: You've heard of us Time Mages. About us manipulating time. It is true, but only to a minor extent. Like Element Mages who control their specific Elements, Time Mages control Time. Those fables about Time travelling is neither wrong nor accurate. We can Time travel, but we can't change the space. That's why it is called Time Frame Hopping.

      Aiya123 ni hao...
      Grammarly that I used only corrects certain grammatical mistakes. Still need to proof read them before publishing though. Looking for a better tool to actually emphasis more to creative writing instead.


        Mavislin11 hmmm, interesting. I'll read and review if you do the same.
        Expect a review within 5 days.

          Cold as ice Pale as moon
          Author - VILU
          It's a novel on muder - mystery

          Synopsis -
          There is a time to LOVE ,
          A time to HATE ,
          A time to HEAL ,
          . . .
          And a time to KILL.

          On a freezing cold winter's day, the body of a young women is pulled from an icy canal in London . To D.I.Dan Carter it looks like a tragic accident rather than the work of a murderer . But D.C.Ebony Willis is not so sure . Why has the women's face been painter with garish make - up and wrapped in a plastic bag?

          Meanwhile cosmetic saleswomen Tracy Collins receives a phonecall . It's been twenty years since she gave up on her daughter for adoption , so when Danielle gets in touch , she hesitantly begins to Kindle a relationship with her and her grandson Jackson but when Danielle suddenly disappears , Tracy is plunged into the middle of a living nightmare .

          With the discovery of another body , it becomes clear that Danielle is in grave danger . There is no time to lose and Ebony Willis must take on the most challenging assignment of her career β€” to play the role of the killer's next victim.

          It might have some unpleasant parts like checking out a dead boby. It's a good novel.

          Link :

          Please give this novel a try , I won't let you down.
          Thank you

          Rachel_white likes this.


            Title : The Arks

            Synopsis: After the Great Noble War across the galaxies had devastated the planets within, many were left scattered amongst the other stars. As the stars started to converge and planets collapsed, the Solar System was born. The only planet that was habitable for most species, Earth.

            In this universe, there are those that called themselves 'Mages', performing 'Magecraft'. Sort of like supernatural abilities. They harness the power of Elements. From Water to Fire Elements, Mages were being bred in all corners of the Universe.

            VILU Sure, i will take a look. Im a bit backed up on bokks but expect a review in 10 days

            • VILU replied to this.

              PaperbackWriter I read your synopsis and I must tell that it really piqued my interest. however, you should do a quick check as I spotted one or two typos which can discourage readers and give an impression that it won't be an easy read.

              Also, though you did a great job describing the surrounding on the first chapter, what I find awkward or rather gave me a 'huh?' is when MC just assumed that he transmigrated -- just like that. I might leave a proper review after reading a couple more chapters. Good job!

                Aiya123 okay, no problem . Take your time . I have my exams coming now . Got to study β•₯﹏β•₯

                  BAJJ thanks for the kind response. I'd try to spot the errors once again as sometimes these spell checkers do sometimes replaces the wrong word and ends up in a total confusion of where those words got replaced et cetera.

                  The 1st series was kinda slow though, since it was the beginning of a series and the idea got stale after writing a few chapters. Tried to pick up the pace but ended with a rather bland "the end of a beginning, and the beginning of the end".

                  My family members were surprised that i had written again after such a long absence from the writing scenes....something like 20+ years? Hahahaha.

                  They commented the 1st series was too bland but its a start, as they personally told me that series 2 and 3 are quite good. It was quite a Roller Coaster of Emotions and yup... The sales pitch for tissue went up for those 2 series.

                  As for the forth one, it's a surprise and more informative though. Would be releasing them one at a time through timer-based but may release a few chapters if I find that the queue would have gotten bottle necked somehow.

                  Thanks again for your reply


                  • BAJJ replied to this.

                    PaperbackWriter wow. that's a long-- really loooooong hiatus :O but nonetheless, cheers for coming back to writing with great book series. can't wait to read your work. (probably after writing a few more chapters)

                    Furthermore, I like a roller-coaster kind of story hence, I don't mind as it rather excites me in a way. kek. Anyway, did you published all your works on this platform?

                      BAJJ hi there. Thanks for your kind reply.

                      Yup I was missing from the writing scene for a very looooooong hiatus. I guess it was the transition of a different work nature that somehow pushes me out from writing.

                      I used to team up with the two names that I had mentioned in my synopsis. Mainly writing in the background and using them as my shadow as I created some short stories here and there.

                      Had quite a few tips from them as well especially writing not for the sake of writing. The most important part of how I would like to express myself in each chapter as I progressed on and also to cross reference with the past events or significant incidences during the current chapters I was writing in.

                      As for the novels that I had parted my writings in back then, it was print based paperback books. None of them are in digital forms although how I'd wish I could have the rights to reproduce them here.

                      However, since we both share the same interest in novels with different mix of genres in them, I do hope others would find it interesting though.

                      There are novels that seemed to drop out of a certain perspection that seemed to forks out in some directions due to its progression but sometimes wondered what happened to some old characters that had been a big part of their story, in the much earlier chapters of the storyline.

                      This made me to write a single main character with multiple set of events with different other side characters that are worth to be mentioned in other series as a reference method.

                      Writing a paranormal / supernatural series at this moment. I could personally say that as the series progressed on, it churns out more chapters compared to the first series. πŸ‘

                      Wonder what I would be writing next on the series as I had two options of an action and a mystery one. It's gonna be a secret which ones comes out first though... Or maybe the main character would transmigrate into a woman's body.

                      Imagine a man dressed up in a nightie with a chest full of hair.... Hahahahah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


                      Shiksha_Jerath a great read so far. Had to remember their names though just as mine on my second series of my novel which I had to keep tabs on ensuring I got their names spelt properly and with the right family names... Especially Japanese names. Lol.

                      Keep it up and let the ideas flow like the calm waters of the Yantzhe River... Shimmering in the moonlight with its lively aquatic environment brimming on its surface πŸ‘

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