Today is Clara first day working as a cleaner at mansion, her friend referred/introduced her to this job, after many failures to secure a job and have a stable life.
I just edited the first, just as an example what do you think ?

    Chiociolla98 May1st

    Today is Clara's first day working as a cleaner at the mansion her friend referred her to. After so many failures at securing a stable job and improve the quality of her life...

    Aside from capitalization, do note of apostrophes. Good luck to both of you! Don't stop writing and don't stop learning how to edit properly! Hopefully, you can get a lot of readers with your team! ☺☺☺

      Clara started her first day as a cleaner in a mansion. It was only after many failures at securing a stable job (consequentially failing at improving her quality of life), that her friend finally referred her to this one—

      Hey don’t get me wrong, you did good correcting all the mistakes, but technically that was only proof reading; editing consists of a bit more, such as reconstructing sentences, fixing passive verbs,
      gerunds, cutting out needless words—all in all, improving readability.

      Then again, I don’t work as an editor professionally, so I may not have any idea of what I am talking about, but that is usually what I and other editors on this site do (for translated novels).

        that's what i am planning on doing from now, i just finished my midterms so i did't really edit properly before.Thanks for yor suggestion

          13 days later
          7 days later

          May1st through this novel i can begin amassing contacts. If my editing is good u or someother person may also choose me as an editor for their story and in the future there maybe payments too

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