I hope Madam Ru continues this novel. 😭 I've been following this novel since 2018 and all I can say is that I.LOVE.IT.VERY.MUCH!! I am and always will be waiting for the updates. I wanna see Linglan as a girl and see Lanfeng spoiling her 😭. There are also a lot of instructors I wanna see in action as well as their manifestated forms 😭. Madam Ru please please continue this novel 😭

At this point, I'm keeping track of developments from Madam Ru on her Weibo account: https://weibo.com/p/1035053179775853/home?from=page_103505&mod=TAB&is_all=1#place. It seems like the people who adore Lin Lang in China are as hopeful as we are and honestly, I can't help believing in the person who writes the amazing adventures of Boss... she will definitely make a grand comeback at some point!

Let's hope... Translation almost caught last chapters. I guess she is stressed and want a good end for her characters so don't want rush the story. But I know it can be hard to write again when you stopped a long time since it became an habit. I hope soneone will help her and "kick" her butt so she writes and stop stressing too much. I really love her novel and it would be a waste To never have an end.

6 days later

I honestly don’t understand why webnovel made a manwha when the hiatus is already going on for so long... i already fee sort of cheated out of my money for all the book chapters i bought (also with webnovel just chancing their payment system overall so its not madum ru’s fault or anything) but it really feels webnovel only cares about money :(.

I just wish that they either come to a decision to continue or discontinue the novel. I am just too impatient and wish to know the ending hahaha

she will probably continue it just not sure when. i do hope it will be soon though ;-;

6 days later

I really hope that Madam Ru continues writing, or if she can't, maybe tell us straight so we don't have false hope. I;m patient enough to wait for a couple of years for it to be finished, but only if Madam Ru gives the OK and feels well enough to continue writing. Hopefully web novel will reach out to her once the translations of the book reach the latest update, so she can get past her writer's block. Absolutely love the novel, neeeeeed more.

For a novel loved by many...I don't understand why the Author can't give proper ending or closure to the story? Because when the author started the story they already have an ending in mind. A 6 months hiatus or one year is too long for the author to go on hiatus...It's not that I criticize the author because I also write stories...and I always wanted to give my readers an ending and not keep them hanging for too long.

I pity the loyal readers because it's a torture for them when the novel they love so much has been going hiatus for a long time. I feel their pain because I'm also a reader.
That's why I appreciate authors who finish their stories even if their novels are not that famous enough. Their dedication to their craft is amazing!

Not sure if it's just that. I hope she's well and gives closure that is wanted. Lot of reader love here.

Give her time.
In those hiatus she had, it was due to health complications and to take care of her child.

I say, let's read the manga for now. Some things are badly explained, and the characters might look different from what you imagined, but it gives a nice look at Ling Lang's world.

Lan LuoFeng is prettier than I imagined and the clothes are NOTHING like I imagined.

This is the gist of her last Weibo (Chinese Twitter) post:

Wish all the people I love and the people that love me are all well!
Fighting Wuhan! Fighting China!

I'll gift you all an unpublished quote from Ling Lang:
The only one that can bring me down, is myself!
And I will never give up!

Comments she answered:
1. Madam Ru, Idle is still idle, why not update?
Author: Currently giving my best.
2. When are you going to update?
Author: The day I update, I will tweet about it!

Like you all, I'm very invested in this novel T-T when I found out it was on hiatus I was BROKEN.
I wasn't okay for a week!
Let's cross our fingers and hope things get better! If not this year... the next one!

5 days later

pambihira Me too. I'm also waiting for Madam Ru to continue updating the INETBAMATTTF.

    pambihira Me too. I'm also waiting for Madam Ru to continue updating the INETBAMATTTF.

      I literally just finished the latest chapter and now i'm hearing that she hasn't updated since February. I'm actually depressed. Madam Ru if you see this then please update. We are all waiting.

        I literally just finished the latest chapter and now i'm hearing that she hasn't updated since February. I'm actually depressed. Madam Ru if you see this then please update. We are all waiting.

          8 days later

          And it's such a great novel too. There is no other novel like this. It's unique ... and that's what makes it so special. Alas, I might just need to reread it at some point.

          I really just hope this novel won't be dropped and that all is well with Madam Ru. I hope we won't have to wait too long... though there isn't much hope now I don't think...
          praying for the best!

          Actually you can guess after going to their NU page. She started writing the book in 2013 and went on hiatus in 2019 with 1400 chapters. 6 years 1400 chapters. I agree that the chapters are long and the story is absolutely the best Mecha story I have read, It’s still a long time. I am not expecting her to come back for at least a few years that is if she comes back. After experiencing this situation too many times I don’t have much hope for novels that went on hiatus. Anyway Fingers crossed. 🤞🏻

          4 days later

          Now I know why there is no update! I thought it was strange.. it's in hiatus! This makes me very sad. 😭

          If they follow the lead of what they did with The reincarnation of the strongest sword god , they will release them eventually, but only after a couple of months. I assume they want to wait until at least the full privilege period expires.

            24 days later

            I finished the raws and official updates. I'm willing to wait too. But it would be nice if there are updates at least next year. I keep missing Ling Lan and the gang...

            Madam Ru fighting!!! I'll continue waiting and I'm sure the rest are too.

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