Is it still a Wuxia or Xiaxia Novel if the Protagonist doesn't practice cultivation but lives in a world where Cultivators live?
Is it still a Wuxia or Xiaxia Novel?
FransicoDiy And as a zombi? Are yiu talking about 丧尸不修仙?
FransicoDiy Is it still a Sci-fi if the Protagonist lives on a spaceship and gets into space battles while using advanced technology if he's just a Janitor?
Is it still a Rom-com if the Protagonist's friends are all getting married and going on wacky bachelorette party shenanigans but she's still a virgin?
Is it still a horror movie if 90% of the cast gets killed by an escaped convict but the Protagonist is just minding his own business in his room the whole time?
Is it still a video game if you're just watching 2 hour long cutscenes in between short set pieces? (I'm looking at you, Metal Gear Solid!)
This, except the video game one that doesnt make any sense.